How do you improve patience

Patience comes with practice; the more you practise trading in different situations, the better you get at it. Everything will follow as a result of your patience. Impatience comes when we are attached to the profits that we will make and not our trading. If we focus on our trading and not profits (because profits will be the result of trading perfectly), we won’t find any reason for impatience. If there’s an impulse or drive that tells you to take some action due to impatience, leave it for a while and trade when you feel ready. Otherwise, trading would result in heavy losses.

Well said!

Testing your patience and abilities at difficult times Is what helps you to improve your patience.

May I know your trading month’s number please? I guess, your trading experience is less than 2 years, and that’s why you are facing this kind of issues! Because, it’s a very common mistakes by the newbies!

If you are not waiting for a good setup… You are basically gambling… and you already know how gambler end

If you are getting way too many setups, just have more strict rules.

You need a profitable strategy by the way… just go back and test your strategy.

I like to go back to January 2019, take screenshots upto today… and see how my strategy has done.

Be patient with yourself.

Patience is hard to build if that is not present in your personal life. People who are restless in real life tend to be like that while trading forex as well. So, you must try to calm your mind and practice meditation or yoga which will help you to develop patience as a personality trait. And that will reflect on your trading too.

Yes you are correct. Only practice and patience can improve our skills.

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ive noticed if i make a good plan for what to expect w the news events and stuff, when to trade and not to trade, im way more patient then if im just reacting stuff. i think the difference is if i have no plan then im afraid of missing out on trades and i over trade. my news plan are not always the best, but they seem to calm me down.

Breathing exercises and meditation are the best ways of improving patience in order to make sound decisions but patience can’t be improved overnight it needs to be practised everyday.

Impatient trades result in unnecessary losses, added stress, and squandered emotional energy. Most traders follow a strategy that tells them when and where to enter a trade. Until you have multiple pieces of evidence that indicate now is the time to get in, don’t trade. If you’re still getting into trades too early, adjust the parameters of your strategy so you see a few more price bars.

Timing is everything in trading. In order to improve patience in trading, one must learn time management.

Imo, one can gain patience by gradually taking small steps in trading. For eg. increasing the position size slowly or starting with very low leverage and very slowly increasing it.

Absolutely correct!

Patience is the most important thing you need to have in your habit if you want to become successful in the forex market. I think that developing patience takes practice and time.

At first, we all have irrational expectations, but as time goes on, we all realise how important patience is. Remember your goals and keep working towards them. Preparing yourself psychologically for all the losses and wins will make you patient. Have a proper plan and follow it.

Start treating forex trading like a regular business, and avoid setting yourself up for unrealistic expectations. Only open a trade if you have solid technical or fundamental justification.

The key to success in forex trading is patience and discipline. It comes from adopting a trader’s mindset and gaining continuous experience.

Patience is something that should be a part of our personality as a trader. You must set some rules and follow the same in order to adopt a disciplined approach towards trading. I think that building discipline will ultimately lead to developing patience as a trader. Just stick to your plan and don’t make decisions based on emotions or impulse.

Patience is built over time so don’t worry if you aren’t able to make decisions calmly yet. Your experience will teach you which moves work and which don’t. You have to keep an open mind when it comes to trading. Success is achieved in time with effort. So, be open to changes and learn as you grow.

Honestly, small trading capital is such kind of good practice to start with! New traders need to focus on their process, instead of the result!

Hi, how 1 min chart can be useful for the new traders? Since, small time frames are volatile!