Sorry, could you elaborate?
You may not have the genes for a high iq but implied iq can be lifted
By avoiding alcohol
Drinking caffeine, and going to gym and working out
I personally also include cannabis a known iq booster
Break it down! You can set tiny goals, like mastering one strategy or improving one habit. Feels less overwhelming and keeps you moving!
Totally get that Sometimes the best move is to take a step back, clear your head, and come back fresh.
I totally get it. Starting out fresh could help you start fresh and with better control over the emotions.
progress isn’t always linear! Sometimes it feels slow because you’re building a solid foundation.
I understand how you feel because I’m still learning too. I always remind myself that trading takes time. So don’t worry, we’ll get there eventually.
Thank you for that reminder! It’s easy to get caught up in feeling like I’m not moving fast enough, but I’ll try to focus on the fact that building a strong foundation is part of the process.
It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in feeling this way. You’re right, trading does take time, and it’s all about staying consistent and patient. Thank you!
Yeah! I’ve been trying to focus on taking it one step at a time, and it does help. Appreciate the tip!
Not really taking a step back but going over the basics again has been helpful in clearing up confusion and giving me more confidence moving forward.
I’m still going through the lessons in the School but I’ll keep your suggestions in mind for when I get to that stage.
Yea if you’re super new into the school and trading in general, there’s so much to learn. Take your time. Try not to get overwhelmed.
Slow progress is normal when learning something new. Focus on consistent effort, celebrate small wins, and trust that improvement compounds over time.
Absolutely, revisiting the basics can work wonders for building clarity.
A suitable strategy for a new trader does not take long to learn. The new trader should be competent within a few weeks at running this strategy - if that doesn’t happen, the question must be asked - is it the right sort of strategy?
Every strategy can be developed and strengthened. Every trade (and every no-trade decision) and every decision concerning that position is a piece of evidence which can help make that strategy stronger. Collect your own statistics: log everything you do - and especially why. It’s fine to track feelings and thoughts in a journal, but log decisions and their criteria in spreadsheet format so you can analyse them statistically later.
Not every thing you do teaches you something, but all of the things added together are really educational.
Exactly! Slow and steady lays the groundwork for something big
you know that you have been lying to yourself, right? reminded me of a quote that says there is no limit to what you can do and what you can be, only if you lie to yourself
Slow progress is part of the learning journey. Focus on small wins, trust the process, and stay consistent. Break goals into manageable steps, embrace setbacks, and remember that persistence leads to eventual growth.
Exactly, slow progress is a part of trading. It’s all about celebrating the small wins until you grab a big one. Every little step we take counts, and losses are just for teaching us to analyze what went wrong and how can it be done right. Trust the process!