How is forex trading different from gambling?

It boils down to risk mamgement

Absolutely! It’s not accurate to compare forex trading to gambling. While both involve risks.
I can say gambling, is based on chance, trading allows for informed decision-making and the application of various tools and techniques.

I remember this poster was promoting another fellow on here who was producing results similar to the one he has up here. I recall using the word shill which didnt find favour with them both (could have been the same guy running two profiles) and as expected I was attacked. Forum members need to be skeptical and more discerning about what they see in places such as this and that scrutiny includes the stuff you see me post as well. Due diligence is a must.
Ask yourself this question. If you had in your possession a bot that produces results such as this why would you be on a forum like this?

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Yes, I remember him well - I think he got banned :rofl:

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One is a game where you blindly press buttons or yell hit, raise, split or whatever. You have absolutely no control over the outcome of your endeavor, most of the time.

Trading is all about controllable processes, knowing what you are getting into, make calculated predictions based on sound fundamental data and evidence. You can also control parts of your process. You have control. It is a business.

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Threads like this do serve a purpose. It shows the immense amount of ignorance that exists out there. If you follow these people you would think that gambling only takes place at casinos and buying the lottery. When I place a bet that in world cup qualifiers Brazil will beat a team from a small country that gathered up a side made up of farmers and clerical workers I know beforehand what the outcome will be. When I make a bet that Lebron James’ team will beat the team ranked last in the NBA I know how that will go.
How is forex trading different from gambling?
As far as I am concerned for the most part there is very little difference between the two. Why do you think there is the term “risk/reward ratio” and “risk management” in trading? And isnt it curious that for something like forex

which we are told is so different from gambling we hear that statistics that over 90 odd percent of traders fail?
Go figure.
There is a saying that “You cant teach old dogs new tricks” so this post is aimed at my fellow newbie traders. I believe that if you accept that forex trading essentially lies in the realms of gambling you will have a better chance of having outcomes similar or even better than what you see in the attached screenshot (demo account). On a 3k account $100 per day is a simple thing. Now when you hear the naysayers do what they do best ask them to show you what they can do.

That is easy to explaine, when people take a bet they pick a winner/looser or maybe even a draw and close their eyes and hope for the best that goes when you bet on any sport, but when you trade on any sport then you do not care who win or loose etc same when trading in forex, i do not care what pair win/loose in the end og the day all i care about is my pips, same in sports trading who cares about who win or loose, all traders cares about is take the profit and run …

This question re-surfaces every few weeks. If anyone genuinely doesn’t understand the difference, I just hope they don’t take up gambling.


Gambling : don’t know the outcome at all.
Trading : outcome probability can be calculated.

Gambling: any method repeats will result in a loss.
Trading : good method repeats long term will make profit.



Gambling and Trading is just like flipping a coin.
But two of them are different.
Gambling coin is fair. 50/50 over the long run.
Trading coin is unfair: Good trading plan makes it unfair and makes it favorable to the trader.

Gambling, relies predominantly on chance and luck rather than skill or analysis.