Wow, that’s quite a return to reality.
Care to say more in detail about what went wrong? I’m going to speculate that when you went live you threw out your risk management tactics. Would that be right?
Wow, that’s quite a return to reality.
Care to say more in detail about what went wrong? I’m going to speculate that when you went live you threw out your risk management tactics. Would that be right?
@4XMAX - What do you know about what forextt did?
He can ask that question,if he wants.
you are right @tommor. The demo trading results led to overconfidence such that I simply ignored risk management. I was of the illusion that if i can make so much on demo, then i can easily make more real money if i increase my position size.
Things went south quickly, emotions and panic played its share, and eventually I was out.
Its great to know that, thanks for the honest appraisal and sorry for your losses.
There’s more to this game than knowing the right thing to do, is also useful to understand the wrong things and why they’re wrong.
It depends on the traders and the trading style they are following. You will have to find your own strategy to take advantage of the market.
Not enough people talk / think about this critically…
I don’t think people understand that there is an inverse relationship between the size of your trading account (in capital) vs. your chances of success. The less you have, the harder it is.