How long should you use demo accounts?

Here is the answer to our question.

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Iā€™ve actually not been live trading that long but Iā€™ve got a really addictive nature. I started out wanting to understand what all the fuss about forex/trading was, and became obsessed with the process. I wasnā€™t really thinking about the money, I ended up just thinking about it 24/7 and ultimately I feel like Iā€™ve ended up learning at a much faster rate than normal. I probably crammed a few years of trial and error, and usual newbie thoughts of never being right and so frustrated, into about 6 months :joy: itā€™s just about how much you want it, like anything. Most people just want someone to give them signalsā€¦ thatā€™s not my style.

If you can see that youā€™re still losing, then maybe itā€™s best to stick to demo for now.

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Trading in demo canā€™t bring the real money but of course can ensure live trading experience, just continue in here with great patience and donā€™t trade at random.

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Or micro account maybe?


My advice is Micro account rather than demo, first of all, risk is very minimum, but itā€™s still is a real account, demo accounts wonā€™t provide the psychological effect of real trading, micros are good transitions. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY if you havenā€™t done so yet, make sure to learn how to trade, I suggest pipschool here on babypips, start from the beginning, in few weeks if you dedicate some time daily, youā€™ll improve your knowledge and with practice youā€™ll be able to make better trading decisions. Trading forex without the knowledge is gambling, not trading!


Iā€™m sure itā€™s already been mentioned, but for no other reason, start with a demo account to learn how the site works in terms of order entry/exit. Learn all the little tricks of legging in/legging out and how to place various types of orders. I know THAT was helpful to me in not doing something stupid AND losing money too.

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Good day Jorge, if you are already operating in a real account and you are losing money my advice is:
1- Return immediately to a demo account.
2- Review very carefully the strategy you are using since it is evident that it is not working for you. Losing some trades is normal but it is clear that your trading ratio is not correct. Iā€™ll give you an example that I learned. The correct negotiation ratio is 1: 2 minimum. So if your balance is for example $ 1000, make 10 trades each of $ 100.
Then even losing 60% of the trades will earn money.
Lost Trades => 6 * 100 = 600
Trades earned => 4 * 200 = 800
Balance => = 200

Good Luck


you sound a lot like me LOL Iā€™ve been working on demo for months, planning on going LIVE the start of the new year. Iā€™ve been grinding every single day, and Iā€™m getting excited about starting :slight_smile:


Risk/ reward ratio can be a trap as wellā€¦ In any case back testing is the answer.

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@justshell what sort of strategy have you been grinding with? Iā€™m just curious!

Itā€™s a bit detailed, still need to fully type it up lol But my strategy is based around price action & price structure. Iā€™ve been choosing no more than like 3 pairs to trade/analyze each week, and I try to have at least one trending pair and one consolidating pair to trade. Where are you from? @GhostB

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@justshell Iā€™m from the UK. Yeah mines is the same. Iā€™ve went through so many different strategies through trial and error. The one Iā€™m using now is based on price action, price structure (Mainly GMT pivots), moving averages, stochastic and RSI. It sounds a lot but Iā€™ve narrowed it down to certain factors with each one. Just trying to tighten it up a bit as itā€™s easy to become impatient or jump in too late.

Hi @justshell my advice when you do Go Live is get rid of your emotions completely donā€™t get excited thatā€™s an emotion that will put you off. Just use your scientific and mathematical analysis to come up with the best possible setup for your trades.
Expect and plan for the worst and hope for the best.
You will get excited if you canā€™t control your emotion and it Will put you off what your trying to do. And i know for a fact when you go live you will feel those emotions just get rid of them as soon as you can. You got a job to do concentrate on it.
Hope it helpsā€¦:alien:


thanks so much @A1lenTrader Iā€™ll definitely take your advice ! :slight_smile:



This is so hilarious!!

Yeah I think thatā€™s also a good idea. I think some people feel more responsible when thereā€™s real money involved. :slight_smile:

You probably think that trading is what you need. But no.

What you need is to study the charts and find patterns you can trade later. This is how you build your trading strategy, by finding patterns.

Get rid of any indicator you use whatever it is, EMAs, RSI, MACD, anything. Just you and the charts.

Look I have read and studied years of 5m charts before doing anything in live.

So, take your charts and do not focus on setting orders, focus on studying your charts and finding patterns within that you can trade.

Find just one, only one. You can make a living with only one simple pattern you can trade. Once you achieve it in demo, then only try in live.

Eventually you will find a way to design your own patterns and techniques.

Also consider that trading is not suited for everyone, not all the persons are good for trading at all. So keep you expectations low and focus on training and learning before everything no matter how many months or years it takes.

Good luck.


Nice reply! so the whole crux is that make your understanding better for charts.