How many badges have you earned?

Hmm, so I was going through some random profiles :sweat_smile: and saw this badges section.

I have 7. How many of them do you have? No competition, though!

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I looked up mine for the first time in two years. Seems like I made 22 !! And still only a profitable break even trader. !!

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@steve369 Wow, that’s nice! Looks like you have earned it all. :slightly_smiling_face: Though, I’m not sure, what’s the highest a trader can earn?

Nice! That’s a lot of badges and you’re a Devotee! Visited 365 consecutive days! :clap:
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I only have 11!

Is there a way to see all the badges that’s available?

@raven37 Nice! I’m not sure. @tommor has the highest I have seen so far. :see_no_evil:

Thank you.

@tommor You’re welcome :smiley: How long have you been trading?

I started trading the UK stock market in 1999 I think. I went into spreadbetting in 2003. Still learning.

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@tommor Wow! :astonished:That’s a long time! Guess learning never ends!

I have 13 badges. I wonder if someone has done earning all the badges :face_with_monocle: Want to know how many badges can be earned :thinking: