How many of your offline friends are forex traders?

A lot of forex traders gained their experience only using own online trading education. We many online friends that are also traders, but sometimes you want to talk about trading with some offline friend with a cup of coffee.
Do you have offline friends that good understand the forex market and can talk with you about current forex trends during walking at the park?

Hmm. :open_mouth: Most of the forex trader friends I have are here. :thinking: But yeah! I do have a few offline forex friends, and of course my uncle. :blush:

None. :neutral_face:

I don’t have any offline friends who are into forex trading. :frowning:

Not many, most dont understand the high and low a trader goes through but would be great to network

None but I’m trying to invite some of my friends to join.

Haha, as others have said. I have no offline trading friends. Its difficult for others to understand why I’m looking at a chart of lines all day lol.

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Does anyone have offline forex events in the city?
I don’t know about such in my city :slightly_frowning_face: