How Many Strategies Do You Use?

Thank you very much for your detail answer! All the best with your strategy.

Thank you, :stuck_out_tongue: You’re Welcome

Good decision, dividing attention among many strategies works not at all. It just wastes time and energy. We have to pass our valuable time in fixed trading techniques if we want to get maximal result by our strategies.

As a newcomers I had a fixed strategy scalping that brings profit in a short time, I didn’t spent much time on it but got positive response. Actually from all trading strategy it is easy to earn short pips by this short time approach but sometimes it causes a great risk.

Scalping is profitable than others trading strategies. But problem is mostly trading brokers don’t allow this short term trading approach in their platforms. so, when choosing a platform to trade scalpers have to be more careful.

You said you had such a strategy, do you not use it any more? Have you moved onto something else? Or you’re combining it with something else?

I have said before in spite of having good trading platform that is not possible at all to bring more profit by means of scalping without 0 pip or most lowly trading spreads. Success on scalping completely depend on its trading spreads.

Right now I am not with scalping, it gave me more pips when as a newcomer but also causes lose due to scalping. Actually scalping is a trading technique which cannot bring profit for all time , it can occurs short term profit very sometimes.

All strategies are like that - they’re profitable only under certain circumstances. Scalping is no better and no worse in that regard than anything else.

Actually scalping is not a regular strategy , it just a chance to earn some pips within very short time, nothing without it. So many long term traders also love doing scalping due to earn profit rapidly.

It’s more than one or two of course. But afterall you gotta understand that a large amount of strategies is not a good plan. You need effective ones.

But I think a large of amount strategies can bring good result if there is real money managing plan. Otherwise not.

I only use price action strategy. It is not about how many strategies you use. It is about how effectively you use strategy. Indicators based strategies that are found on internet will not be effective unless you customize it for you. Everyone is different. So you have to tune it with your trading personality.

As a newcomer it is very difficult to use price action strategy accurately. Because, it’s complicated and need most accurate candlestick knowledge to earn profit with certainly. by the way , how much time you have spent about this . and how much you can earn from this trading approach . can you explain ?

Using price action trading strategy continuously is a part of real professionalism in Fx trading . but to be experienced in Price action is quite difficult and need a long time experience. That’s why we the traders who are particularly beginners always lot interest to keep patience to mature in this approach. It’s a best part of manual trading.

We should follow strategies according to market trend and always first observe the market trend and get generate so strategies and follow it with full discipline. Forex market is so risky so proper money management also be learned.

I do not use too many strategies. Actually I don’t have typical strategies made with some indicators. I have my own understanding of the charts. With changing market condition my strategy get modified. I do not trade many pairs. I trade on GBPUSD.

Using too many strategies at the same time is not good decision at all. it can make us get rid because market moves at random most of the time , I used so many strategies in demo trading as a newcomer but when started live trading got nothing from all. so, it is more appropriate to focus on fixed trading technique.

If anyone knows how to manage money accurately of course he could be profitable by using too many strategies. Actually how much result we can get from our trading techniques, it does totally depend on money management, nothing without it.