How much money can be made in FX?

Hi Everyone,

When you started trading:
[li]How much did you start with?
[/li][li]How much did you made per week/month?
[/li][li]What was your goal?

Just being nosey and want to find out what other people started with.


If I remember correctly…most people dont make a lot in their first year… and honestly you shouldent think about how much money your making. =) It helps and you should be concentrating on how many pips your getting as well as you strategies. If you concentrate on cash too much you may lose it and lose all your cash =).

As for how much to start with. The normal suggestion is 1000$ but most newbies with tight budgets (like myself) start with around 250-500.

Mike G =)

I agreed with what your saying Mgsupra101 but I’m just looking to see what other people started with.

I haven’t started live yet however this is what I INTEND to do:

Open an account (mini) with $500 to start
Goal: Stay profitable between weeks. No pip targets yet as have yet to focus on one system. Experimenting at the moment and reading as much as I can

how much you start with isn’t important but so far in my short trading career (live for 3 weeks now) I am up 4%

my goal was to make 8% a month but that has sort of just become an indicator of where I am.

I don’t think goals are that helpful as almost all my losses were made trying to hit targets/goals or what ever.

I still look at making 8% a month but I am just going to take what comes.

this is very true here. it’s the pips that make you money, not the actual dollar values. focus on pips and consistancy then on compunding. the money will come after that :slight_smile:

P.S. my account started at 1500.00

I started with $50. After a few months I added $1000 more, then after few more months I added the rest of my money.

Whatever your amount I think it’s important to add it to your account in stages. That way if you lose your money it’s not [B]all [/B]of your money. :slight_smile:

How much you make per week/month is a very individulized thing. It depends on your trading style, how much time you invest in trading, how the markets are moving, and how well you can manage your emotions.

In the beginning I averaged 20% per month, but I stared at forex charts for 60 hours per week. I got burned out really quick!

Now I make less, but I work a lot less too. In the current market conditions I’m making only a few percent per month, but things are slowing returning to normal. I expect to be making closer to 10% by next month. :slight_smile:

a year ago, I first started with $5,000 stander account, after I lost $1,300 in couple of months, I closed the account, then I opened another micro account with couple of hundred dollars, lost again, I came back a month ago, with $325 balance left in that micro account, today, my balance is $334, the third week, my balance was $434, 30% increased, emotional ate my profit, still learning, trying new strategy, hope this time I will make it. I will try 3 more months, if I still wining, I will put more money to my account. maybe couple of thousand dollars.

I adjust my goal, 1% increase a day, get rich slowly…

After 4 months I’m up approx 4% from where I started.
My first 6 weeks were really great…next 6 weeks were really bad (August). The last month has been ok. I have had less time to trade over the last moth or so. I trade only part time, maybe 5 or 6 hrs or less a week

A positive return is a good return :cool:

Yes, I agree with you with your “theory of stages” :slight_smile: I also started with only $50 and then added my money in stages. I think it is reasonable, because you see how you’re doing and you can’t lose all your money. But actually, me, as a newbie, also lost my first money as particularly all of us do. But now it is worth od that! :wink:

I started with $400.after 7 days,I lost all my money

i´ve started with 2500$. till now i got great results in pips but my normal lots size is 0.10$ - 0.20$ for pip. so i don´t make a lot of money. but is the lots that i feel confortable with.

It depends on what you are looking to get out of trading. I would suggest a deposit no smaller than $1000 to learn the ropes but it depends on what you can afford. Only trade with an amount that wouldn’t change your life if you lost it all. Get used to taking profits and accumalting pips and more importantly get used to cutting your losses early.

I started my account with $10,000 purely to sell the FTSE at 6000 and GBP/USD at 2.00. I felt it was blindingly obvious that both would tank when word of the credit crunch emerged.
I traded 30 USD per pip on the FTSE using a CFD and sold at 4000 and 25 USD per pip on GBP/USD (2 1/2 std lots) and sold at 1.4800. I’m not going to boast and i’ll leave you to do the math on my returns but needless to say I was very happy with my returns considering all I did was fill out an application form, send my passport off and put 10,000 on my Visa card!
These days i’ve become hooked on ‘day trading’ fx, cfd’s and derivatives but I still haven’t found the right broker. I’m one of the lucky people who have made consitent returns.

I started with $ 300 and lost it all. Now I´ve been demo trading again for 3 months, and I will open a live account with $ 500 next month.

My goal is between 7-10% a month.


to begin with i blew 3 accounts i think roughly around £2k all together

earlier this year (late february)

i started an account with £400, it now sits at just above £16k

my account grew steadily by around 10-15% a week and with the power of compounding i have been able to make some substantial profits :slight_smile:

start small, be consistant, stay determined and persistant and you’ll go far :slight_smile:

lee :slight_smile:

I think that’s a great example of why many people need to be persistent in learning. People jump out and quit when they blow it once or twice blaming the brokers and markets. It takes time to learn the ropes.

I have a live account that I am posting and so far as of today(48 trading days) I’m up over 65%. It started with $632.78 and now is $1057.94. As of right now the account has over 1500 pips open. Frankly the way the markets have been moving that could change really quick.

10% a month is healthy