How much monthly return is enough for a trader?

Bro, that’s like a 50/50 coin toss.
What about 5-10% risk on equity?

It’s hard to achieve consistency of returns. In order to do that you have to reduce drawdowns (standard deviation of returns) and set modest targets like 2-10% monthly. But then you have to trade with equity which is enough to make low returns relatively to equity but sufficient in absolute terms.


Honestly I think 500% a month is very very possible… If you have a good trading strategy with a win rate of at least 60% and a R:R of maybe 3:1 for every trade then it would be very easy to achieve 500% or even more a month… You just have to have the right discipline… Personally I started with a small Account of $18 and in 3 days I turned it to $54… So that’s like 200% already and I take calculated risks so it’s not like I’m gambling in the market or anything I have a good R:R of 3:1 and I have a simple strategy using moving averages and it works great for me… Suddenly trading doesn’t look as complicated as people make it out to be


$50000 its still pocket money in this business…


In the scenario you’ve explained above, setting a fixed dollar amount you need to hit every month will add a lot of stress and pressure into your trading. Especially if it’s to pay monthly bills, because that’s an easy way to over trade or force trades. Fund with what you’re willing to risk and lose, not with a daily dollar amount in mind to size your account.

I personally have a monthly % target that I reinvest into my account, anything above I withdraw to split between longterm investments/our small business and my pocket. Eventually those dollar amounts will be large enough that it will be my full time income, until then I rely on my employer. It’s not a sprint to large returns, so don’t put that pressure on yourself.


Lol. Your funny as hell


In my experience as a trader, i learned that the only true answer is “whatever works for you”. Which means you have to get in there and see how good you are. Start with a demo account and see if you can achieve that plan.

Asking others will give you pointers, guide you, etc, but at the end of the day what can YOU do. We all have our own experiences so you’ll have different answers. I personally don’t think your plan is realistic because there is little to no margin for error, but that’s in regards to my experience. Hey who knows, maybe you are the best out there and can have a great win ratio with close to no drawdown and can make that plan work.

Just make sure that whatever you are not 100% confident about, you try it on demo or with a very small expendable amount first


What an answer bro!

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But bro, the market seems to be more flat to me in the pandemic, that’s why. People think it’s unrealistic because If you risk 5-10% in single trade and you have 60% risk to reward ratio. That’s mean if someone have 60% accurate strategy and wins 50 in a row, after that loses 20 in a row then wins 10 in a row. But how he can survive that 20 in a row or 10 in a row loses? It will take away their balance.

So, I am discussing about just 100 or 200% in a month. It’s probably unrealistic but it’s not impossible either due to high leverage. I am talking about the consistency. And simple rule like 1:1 Risk to Reward ratio means it will probably hit. Because for 1:3 RR a trade needs to go more in that trend. And as I say earlier, market is currently moves more in range rather than trend at lower time-frame currently in Covid-19 situation.

Happy Trading!

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Bro, what is your opinion about hedging? Because It reduces the drawdown and for the consistency, only 5-10 Pips and 1:1 Risk to Reward will be more helpful for a person who is trying to gain 5-10% a day. (Low Equity)

Waiting for your precious reply :slight_smile:
Happy Trading,

So, what is your opinion about proprietary trading farm bro? They offering more money for trading.
But there is a target or monthly 10% that’s mean stress in trading is still on!

I am thinking about hedging the position. What is your opinion on that?

Investing $10-$20 and expecting a 200% return in a month is just stupid. Period

In terms of trading for a living, it’s quite simple; You need a large equity. Say you have $1000 account, you can definitely aim at earning $200 a month and if you’re lucky maybe even more pending volatility

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I understand your point but it’s what’s working for me I’m talking to you about it’s not like it’s something I heard it’s what I’m doing so I’m telling you it’s very possible… With each of my trades I risk about 6% of my trading account and with a good trading strategy like mine it’s very hard to have 10 losses In a row so to me it’s very possible to do that in the long term… And by the way I don’t trade forex I trade Volatility Indices so it’s not mostly ranging like the currency pairs it trends a lot which is what every trader wants… And also if you have a strategy with a sniper enter 1:3 is very very possible cos if you open trades at the reversal of the trend then it’ll be harder for it to hit your stop loss… Trading is technical you need to be very smart about it and you need to find the best way to success ranging from sniper entries to good money management they all work hand in hand.

Waiting for your reply on this🙂
Happy Trading!!


It’s not stupid… Because you couldn’t do it doesn’t mean it’s not possible… I’m a witness I’ve done it with as low as $18 to $54 so what’s that?.. with good money management by the way it’s not that I gambled… So don’t use rash words on things you don’t fully understand yet… You could be trading for 10 years and still have less knowledge than someone who got into the market for a year or two… Don’t think cos you have experience you know everything… Thank you

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So if I start with $100 as a beginner how much can I make in a month with the right strategies and proper risk management

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Honestly I think turning $100 to $300 in a month is not too good to be true with the right strategy and good money management… You just have to be disciplined enough to follow the strategy 100% and follow ur risk management 100% too… In fact $500 a month is also possible I’m not saying it will be easy but it’s possible… Please no negative comments on this from anyone it’s just my personal opinion

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Well my post here may take some by surprise given my absence from here since last year.

To the old timers here: hello!

I actually am here as I’ve had no response from the advertising department so I decided to send a PM to one of the moderators that I know which I shall do so shortly (opening a brokerage and wish to advertise here).

However. No sooner have I updated my details here and I start receiving email updates of new threads and this just happened to be one of them and that made my jaw drop.

I don’t know if there’s a troll or two or three on this thread but it sure seems as though nothing changes in this business!

I have read one post here where it is purported that anywhere between 200% and 500% per month is doable. I read another one or two posts where it’s purported that 1%, maybe 5%, even 10% per day is doable. I don’t care who you are: you’re talking nonsense. And it’s as simple as that and it’s, as usual, misleading to new traders.

If there were a trader here capable of making anywhere between 200% and 500% per month: I can give you the number of any one of the big trading firms and they’d pay you millions just in salary alone if that was doable on a monthly and and consistent basis (hell I’d even employ you). You wouldn’t be posting on any forums I assure you because you’d not need to.

As for 1%, maybe 5%, even 10% per day being doable? Well. You may get lucky one, two, three, maybe five days in a month. But it’s be nothing more than luck I assure you. Just work out what 1%, maybe 5%, even 10% per day would add up to in a month and you’ll get the picture. Again: totally unrealistic gains, not sustainable, never going to happen, and basically just nonsense and misleading to new traders.

The best post I’ve seen here on this thread is where it was purported that even somebody with a million in their trading account should’t be trading if they have to draw on capital to pay monthly living expenses! Correct (the caveat being how much the trader’s monthly living expenses are of course).

If I had $100 USD for every time I’ve posted on this topic I’d be a billionaire by now I’m sure (and wouldn’t even be bothered to be starting a new business I assure you).

Facts of the matter are:

If you’re making anywhere between 1% and 10% per month, on average, over a 12 month period, consistently, you’re in the top 95% (if not better) than all retail traders. That’s reality. It’s not fiction. I say again: it’s reality. And if you do indeed average more than that: then consider anything over and above those percentages a windfall and save it.

And the misconceptions about leverage are again astounding to me. Best case scenario you should be trading with NO leverage. But I realize that would preclude most retail traders from being able to trade in the first place. But don’t go thinking that 200:1 and 500:1 leverage is a gift from your broker to help you make money! It’s a hangman’s noose. And the higher the leverage the tighter the noose!

As for these small trading accounts: as has been correctly noted by one or two they’re good for nothing more than practicing (and I’m not even going to say they’re good for practicing in the real market because I can assure you that in the real market and with proper capital things change considerably with big positions) (but given that this post is sure to upset more than one person and I’ll get called on it I’m sure I’ll end up explaining this stuff all over again so I’ll leave it until then).

Getting real here then and to answer the topic directly i.e. “How much monthly return is enough for a trader?”: depends on the trader’s goals. If it’s to trade full time with no other income and to pay monthly bills: then it’s a simple answer. Based on my experience and capabilities and trading systems and methodologies: you need to calculate what your monthly expenses are and then work out how much trading capital you need in order for that figure to not exceed more than 5%, and better yet, to not exceed 2.5% (just to be sure and take some pressure off) per month of your trading capital. If it’s for investment purposes only and you’re not going to be withdrawing profits and don’t need your profits to pay monthly expenses: well then that’s a slightly different scenario and compounding would come into effect (but see my warning below about highly accurate trading systems or methodologies still being able to lose money). In addition to the mathematics though: there’s a lot more that’s to be considered when trading for a living and knowing that comes month end you have to have made enough money to pay the bills e.g. psychology becomes a very very big factor (more than you will ever know until you’re in that position).

I cannot fathom why, up until this day, (and I’ve been doing this a VERY long time i.e. since around 2000 if memory serves me correctly), people don’t take into account potential losses and that could be on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. And it may interest you to know that it’s possible to have a trading system or methodology that is 80% accurate (80% of trades are profitable) and STILL lose money.

There is so much to this business and it is evident on this thread that for the most part nobody actually has any idea what they’re talking about. And that, my good friends, is why the brokers make the money that they do, and why the failure rate is so high.

Anyway. That’s my first post for the year. I’m guessing it’ll not be the last (just the sh*t I’m going to get for this post alone will in all probability end up in this being a long and a protracted thread).




Hey @tommor.

I saw the “Heart”! Lol! Thanks.

Yep. Your posts, as usual, 100% on the mark!

Nice to see you’re still around and keeping the site afloat. Hope things are well with you.

Odd though huh. So much has changed this year. Yet everything has stayed the same (it would seem)! :rofl:

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Welcome back Dale! Its been too long already @dpaterso.

Well, things go round - prices go up, prices go down, traders come, traders go. The Dude abides…

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