How much time should I give myself?

depends on what you are aiming. if you are investors youll need less time(1-2-3months to learn basic and some advanced knowledge) than a full time trader.

if you want to be full time trader you gonna take months and months on paper trading , than on demo account so you can be sure to stay baby for like 2 years(my opinion)

youll need to do thousands of simulated trade before even thinking to put money on the table. this is inevitable

First off, don’t be like me. When I first started learning to trade I spent around 18 hours a day for 3-6 months just to get my head around.

A good starting point is to find an area that intrigue you the most and then decide how much time should be delegated towards it. For instance, you may find TA to be interesting particularly the trend following aspect of it, you may decide to allocate 2-3 hours towards reading up methods of it and another hour or two for backtesting.

Since I found my niche (global macro if you’re wondering), I spend around two hours to read/brush up on it before heading to the charts.

As much as you need to clear your basics and get an idea how live trading works.

Start by focusing on one pair. Look into all its aspects - technical as well as fundamental. Trade on demo accounts and apply different strategies till the time you find the one suited to you.

Depends on your learning capability! Different traders require different amounts of time to do their learning. Generally it is between six months to a year. You can start with your learning and check how much time you would need for this and set your goals accordingly.

Well, it depends on your hard work and dedication. Some people take a few months or years and some are still learning here. Take your time and start only if you are confident enough.

Trading definitely requires sufficient knowledge and skills but it totally depends on you how fast you are able to grasp things. Give time to enhance your knowledge and begin only when you are ready.

Everyone goes through their learning curve at different speed. It all comes down to persistence and dedication. However, a rule of thumb, give yourself 6 months of dedicated hard work and you should see some exponential growth from where you were when you first started.

I think it depends on your personality. But, normally, I think a few years.

There is no such concept as full or complete trading education, to be competitive you have to learn constantly so it may be useful to consider that learning doesn’t have an end.

your time must always be realized rationally, because such an approach is always useful and more correct

It takes as long as it takes that the best way I can answer and you learn at your own pace not anyone else’s.

I don’t think so i need to say anymore because this i what i think. One should go at his own pace.