How to add indicators on metaeditor MT4

How do I add indicators (mq4 files) on the metaeditor?

                         Thanks in advance.

Go to Help file at the top of metatrader platform then look under
Autotrading, there is an explantion there.

Hi Future,

[li]Copy the MQ4 file into C:\program files<Name of your Metatrader install>\Experts\Indicators[/li][li]Double click the mq4 file which will bring up metaeditor.[/li][li]On the top tool bar of metaeditor, click the Compile button.[/li][li]Make sure you get an Ok in the “errors” window.[/li][li]The indicator will be available in the Custom Indicators section of MT4[/li][/ol]

Thank you, I don’t know what I was doing before messing around with the editor, but I finally got them to come up. But how do I get the .ex4 files on there?

Once you “compile” the mq4, then the ex4 will appear.

If you already have the Ex4, then it will go in the same directory as we put the mq4. You will not need to compile the mq4, you should just restart MT4.

Thanks for the info.

If there is an error state “using of decompiled source code is prohibited” then how to fix it?