How to become a disciplined trader?

Thanks for sharing these tips! I’ll keep this in mind.

I agree with this one :sweat:

i have tried meditating myself, really helpful.


when trading firstly , we can maintain discipline for a while but when emotion comes it not works as like before , the main problem is controlling emotions when trading.



You’ll lose long term if you make exceptions, @baemax023

Question of discipline is common for many traders.I would recommend to you to practice. In the beginning try to stick with your strategy for 5 deals, then increase it to 10, and so on. No matter what happens during this period of trading time, try to stay disciplined for your defined number of deals

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Good summary. Practice is the answer.

Discipline for traders suggests they wish emotionally to do something which they know intellectually to be wrong. Sufficient practice for their reaction to become automatic removes the conflict. Nobody needs to use discipline to walk or run or breathe or ride a bike or write - discipline is irrelevant because the task is wholly automatic.


You can lose a lot of money, blow up several accounts, keep trading without changing your ways, and lose even more money and blow up more accounts. Keep banging your head against the wall. Blame the markets, blame Trump, blame the brokers, blame the gurus, blame your parents and your wife and your neighbors. At some point you decide to quit trading thinking it’s a rigged game. Or you get tired and fed up with yourself and your lack of discipline and finally admit to all the wrong things you’re doing and accept your flaws. Then you can slowly start to change and become more disciplined. True story. Not the best approach though, I do not recommend it :slight_smile:


discipline not only a human habit it also a character , to be experienced in discipline we have to be mentally strong first of all, otherwise no way to maintain

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Trading is both an art and science . Trading discipline means following the trading rules precisely. Thus, it requires a trader to be disciplined in the following ways:
• Formulate a trading plan. It will help you understand the strategy you can follow to ensure higher returns and less risks.
• Learn to deal with your losses positively. Remember the fact that without losing, there will be no winning.
• Spend time understanding your weaknesses and strengths in the trading markets.
• Analyse yourself on a daily basis. See what all trades have you placed on a particular day and observe their price movements.
• Indulge yourself in day trading.
• See what could go wrong in the beginning of each trading day.
• Assume responsibility for trades placed for example your broker might run away with your money , there might be frauds .
• Always follow the trading system rules precisely and strictly.


key to becoming a discipline trader is know when to stop and that can be achieved by preparing a daily budget beforehand. well at least, that’s how i learned.


It is natural while trading but you can consider following points while doing so :
• Accurate money management plan and sound decisions.
• Don’t invest in what you do not understand as you get paid by winning trades and not just by clicking buttons.
• Emotions will inevitable come into play while trading but it is up to you how you deal with it so patience is required.
• You can open your Demo accounts before actually going for live trading.

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Good talk bro

Always put a SL don’t be tempted to make big unrealistic trades

You can hire someome to open trades for you by your trading strategy or when you say to open the trade.
But with strict rules that person should not open more trades than it is defined by the trading strategy.

Another way to overcome bad discipline is to have mentor who will say should you open trade or not.
He can prevent you from doing bad decision.


I totally agree with you, that is one true way someone can be disciplined,is by been mentored.


Good points here


discipline i think most important and positive habit in human being , being a discipline trader is a tough game in live trading , first of all it is more appropriate to be disciplined in demo trading.

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be cool always when trading in live or demo, be knowledgeable.