How to calculate Volume to be 1% before entering a trade

Clint Thak you! THANK YOU!!!

You hit the nail right on the head. I totally get it now!.
Although I will admit it took me a couple of minutes to digest and referring to my notes but after that, I had my “Aha moment”.
and looking at how long and detailed the reply is I am humbled and appreciate the time you took to help out.

Now I’m hoping you could lend a hand on another matter I’m working on.

Brief summary I’m learning how to beef up my risk management to avoid any further losses from making any uncalculated moves.
I’ll admit though that the is another trader who has been kind enough to help me in the matter, and thanks to him I see the light but I’m not quite out of the tunnel yet.

This is the link to the thread. Understanding Required Margin (going short)

Thank you again and I hope to hear from you.