How to create alert system for my indicators?

Hi lets say i have 2 EMAS line.

when both touches, i want the MT4 to alert me with a sound. Isit possible?
How can it be done??

Thankyou all seniors

is this possible at all? anyone?? im sure its possible =.=

show me the light pls :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an indicator that alerts when the 2 sma cross

and can work on all TF, see below

Check Alert

Or you could try not to charge for other peoples work and seek out the origional free of charge, just because you’re feeling helpful. :slight_smile:

I’ve found two, I haven’t tried them so you’ll have to experiment yourself.


AlertPips=10; // distance from close to MA in pips.
AlertBarsSkip=3; // number of bars to skip before next alert.
MAperiods=10; // MAperiods - the number of periods to be used by the MA calculation.
MAmethod=“E”; // MAmethod - the method to be used by the MA calculation (‘S’, ‘W’, ‘E’, ‘M’).
MAapply=“C”; // MAapply - the price type to be used by the MA calculation (‘M’, ‘T’, ‘O’, ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘L’).
MAshift=0; // MAshift - the number of periods for the MA shift calculation.

MA Crossover Alert.mq4

Sound is on by default. You only need to set up your moving averages’ type (sma, ema, wma), period (this one has 5 and 20 by default, they are my favorites), and price mode (in this case, close price is default).
Good luck.

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