How to feel more confident in ourself and ignore advices from others

the moment when you had enough their ■■■■ , boom confidence here

perfect loop

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Confidence is not something which develops overnight, the only way the confidence actually gets inside us is by practicing and having good knowledge about our trading action. So one should not really focus on advice given by others because every individual has a different trading approach irrespective of how much they trade.

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No motivation, no books, no magic will help you, unless you help yourself.
If you want to feel more confident, there is no method of doing so, except actually tradining your mind that way. Practise mindfulness, practise psychology. Trading psychology will be your best friend and help you survive the market over a long term! You may also test your strategy a hundred times (or as much as you wish) in a demo account so that you can feel invincible!

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I believe that consistency and discipline are the keys to success in any endeavor. Simply be consistent in your thought process and the things in your background will no longer disturb or trouble you.

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Being a trader, I would suggest you recognise your own trading style.Having analytical methods and trading tactics that mesh with the trader’s mentality is the first of many aspects to trading with confidence.
Also, it’s important to constantly remind yourself to remain humble when you’re successful because if you don’t, the market will make sure to do it for you. Just as crucial as managing losing streaks is knowing how to handle winning streaks.

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You’ll be more able to react logically and confidently to changes in the market if you’re at ease and enjoy your trading.

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You can be more assured of your knowledge and expertise. If you are well-versed in market knowledge and trading, I believe you are not required to follow the advice of others. Just do the things that you can do the best.

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Self-confidence is a character trait, not a tactic you can apply at will to a specific task such as trading. This means you can develop self-confidence in trading by developing confidence in other activities. Set yourself a goal which is challenging but realistic in an activity you have little expertise in. Make sure it is a SMART objective -

The choice of activity is yours. It doesn’t matter whether it is climbing Everest or learning to swim or training a dog or learning to bake the best loaf of bread. Gaining confidence in human activities builds your self-confidence.


You will be more confident if you have a thorough understanding of forex trading. Take other people’s advice, analyse it, and then make decisions accordingly.

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You don’t need to ignore advice, take it and think about it but you do not need to implement it. Follow your own plan, remember that only you know how to reach your goal. Every decision you make will have its own consequences.

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