you’re not alone
one of MT4’s many problems is that it displays some indicators incorrectly
MACD is one of them (one of the lines is missing)
i think there might be add-on software you can use with your copy of MT4 to correct this, but it’s a work-up and a better solution is to use a decent trading platform instead
meanwhile, these threads may interest you -
Opinions differ.
I don’t use it, myself (but I used to). My view is that as oscillators based on moving averages go, it’s actually one of the rather better, rather more helpful ones, if clearly understood and appropriately used. But that’s a [I][U]big[/U][/I] “if”, as MACD is [B]very[/B] widely misunderstood and (in my opinion) misused.
Different people use them in different ways.
A very good source of information about them is the book [I]Trading for a Living[/I] (recently re-published und…
I’m currently studying the BabyPips School pages here regarding MACD indicators.
When I plot the same MACD as on the page I only have a sgnal line and a histogram (see above), whereas the one on the school page has another line?
Is this down to my MT4 platform’s capabilities do you think (Oanda) or can the MACD line still be interpreted with just the signal line and the histogram?