Howdy All!

Hey All!

thought I’d dapple into pure price action for a day or so and er… lost £100 (shoulda practised first :() However, I did realise that trading without indicators does make me a little jumpy so I have continued with a bollinger Band/RSI system though for this month so far I am down £4 (after the initial loss) - this has been compounded by the fact that I am doing a bit of construction work until I find a grad position - so getting up at 4am home at 6pm asleep by 7 sorta thing!

I did get a notification about the HLHB system which lead to the amazing crossover system - anyone read into this?

Anyway hope you are all well - talk soon :slight_smile:

Dude your risk management will kill you. The rule is risk .02% of equity per trade. So that’s at least £80.

No matter what amount if cash you’ve got dint over leverage. Have a minus of £300 is bad that’s just 7.5% if your equity.

Have similar looses like this and you’ll wipe your account in less than 12 trades.

Dude you don’t want to make the same mistake twice.

And another note you said something of fees I’d live to think that trading forex should be free.

Whose your broker ? Maybe they’re rippjng you off.

Happy pipping mate

Hey Freeze4Real, yer I know my Risk Ratio is rubbish that is why I am here XD - I’m hoping to hone my system of using bollinger and MACD and potentially move from 5min graphs to 1hr graphs - and now starting to look at the amazing crossover/trendcatcher systems that I have seen on here as I need to move away from short term to long term trading when I start working.

My Broker is Intertrader - and I’m not sure about other brokers but mine does charge an overnight fee for negative trades which seems to be 73p per night GBPUSD, 93p per night USDJPY (fluctuates).

Happy pipping to you too!