Hybrid scalping system

Please add some text or explanations to this videos so we can understand WHY you decide to go into a trade. As for last videos it was still interesting but I did not understand the reason for your trades to go.

Hi Janpec1000,

Could you please post the trades of last week? It would be great to see them in detail!

Many thanks

Hey Janpec,

Iā€™ve read through the thread for your V2 system several times. Iā€™m thinking about developing an EA based on basic ā€œrulesā€ of the system. If you like, once I have a working EA I will post to this thread so everyone can check it out. PM me if you would rather I didnā€™t post publicly.

I get that the main focus of your system is Price Action and its relation to Bollinger Bands, Ichimoku (specifically Kijun line), and Pivot Points.

A basic set of ā€œrulesā€ that Iā€™ve distilled from your thread:

  1. Generally trading off the 5M chart, looking for trends on the 15M.

  2. Looking for quick, large movements (50-100 pips over 4-5 candles?) on the 5M chart that go with the overall trend from 15M , but looking for entry points where the price will retrace the rapid movement.

  3. To find the entry point we look for price action patterns that indicate a reversal:
    a. Candle forms a pin bar, hammer, or shooting star where the price hit an upper or lower bollinger band or pivot point.
    b. The closing price of the qualifying candle, just before entry, should be a good distance (30+? pips) away from Kijun.
    c. Kijun should not be too steep at the entry point to protect against a fake out.

  4. Trade entry can be either all at once with a Stop Loss posted at a few pips outside the most recent swing high or low, set the Take Profit at either Kijun line or 50% retracement of the recent large swing. Or you can phase in the trade 50/50 if you are concerned with the price going against you, taking 50% off at Break Even, and set the TP at the Kijun line.

I can conceptually create an EA that would trade from those parameters. The only functions not included in standard MT4 is the pivot points. So I would have to figure out how to call those functions within the EA. I just want to make sure that I have all of your ā€œrulesā€ correct before I start mapping out the code.

Best Regards and Happy Trading!

  • Steve

Sounds interesting. He already has an EA for himself I think, but other people like me would be very interested. Iā€™ve earned quite some pips manually last week with this system. The market is not so liquid so far this week may be because of 4th of July vacations so hadnā€™t had too much opportunity yet this week. One suggestion is also maybe including the round number support resistance line but not sure itā€™s work well

An EA for this amazing system would be great!

now we got rules, thanks steve!
yeah i would also like try out those EA, thanks!

Steve1500 Sure that would be good if you can make it the thing is such EA is already in the works by our programmer i am sure there are still lots of tests on settings that have to be run before any constructive use. If you have any questions you can PM me or ask here straight away.

Today has not been lucky day for me trading wise. Placed nice short on GJ at start of the day, price went 2 pips over my TP yet trade was not closed (i really hate when this happens, still dont know if broker is screwing with me or is just that brokers price is that much different to mine), and then it turned against me and there it went 2 days of profits. Still hope to catch some trade today to try BE it.

Jan, thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear about that missed SL. What broker are you using?

Also, did you have a chance to look at the ā€œrulesā€ that I posted yesterday? Is there anything that I have wrong? or is there anything that should be updated? Want to make sure I have the most accurate idea of your V2 system before I start writing code.

I have next week off from my day job, so I should have time to get a prototype EA going. Iā€™ll post if I get something to test on demo accounts.

  • Steve

I am on Hotforex.

Ok to add to rulesā€¦Time frame does not matter. This system works on any time frame except M1 cannot be used on EA for sure.
So make it generalised in terms of using time frames, anything can be picked. If you could add candle counting so that EA counts how many candles since last opened candles it requires for entry. For example if in 5 last candles distance that 1-5th candle is 100 pips and other conditions are meet it enters. Also bull to bear candle ratio would be nice, dont know if you could make that but it would help like for short entry rally has to have 4 of 5 bull candles.
Pinbars are esential for any entry, hammers could work too but they are not as reliable i think. We could try though.

Please is de Video ready


Iā€™ll have to keep clear of Hotforex :wink:

I am creating the prototype EA based on a 5M chart, looking to the 15M for trend confirmation. Iā€™ll try to figure out if I can generalize the time frame so that the EA will just look at the next longest term for trends.

The EA looks for big price movements as the first qualifier. Right now it does a look back over the past 12 candles on a 5M chart (ie 1 hour). It finds the highest close candle and the lowest close candle, then computes the difference. If the difference is greater than 50 pips, it starts checking for entry indicators. If its less than 50 pips, it doesnā€™t do anything. It just waits for the next candle formation.

If I understand your last post correctly, you like to see an even larger movement over a shorter time. You look for at least 100 pips over 5 candles?

If thatā€™s the case, itā€™s an easy fix.

Iā€™ve got a very rough program made. Need to debug and test, then I will post on the forum so we can all check it out and fiddle with parameters.

  • Steve

Well to be honest their interenet withdrawal service to Netller or Moneybookers is instant and great, but with CC it takes long also i am not sure if its completly on their side i have to go check in bank on Monday probably its problem with receiving there too.

Yes correct, try to made it dynamic so that entry options could be specified by user (eg number of candles and the size of the move) becouse there are many different ways to trade moves like : rallys, dips, swings and corrections, each of them has different ratio so its important that user of EA can input settings he want.

Hi Janpec1000,

I have been following your system and am really impressed with version 1 (since it is trend following).
I am trying to code an EA for it. Can you give me the [B]"10.2 TMA "[/B] mq4 file or atleast the link where I can download it. In your first post you have only provided the .ex4 file which I am not able to use inside the EA.


Sorry there is no mq4 file for it. Only executable. You can use AO indicator (awesome osciliator indicator) too its good replacement for it.

Thank you for the quick reply.
I did find an mq4 file for a different version of the TMA slope titled [B]ā€œ10.2 TMA slope v.1.4B 4.30ā€[/B] in Bobā€™s page at SteveHopwood forum. It looks same on the chart. I will try to use it.

Many thanks for your strategy and your reference to SteveHopwoodā€™s forum. I have not seen it before and it is a really good read to newbie losers like me.

I wish you all the best with your new strategy. When I have something significant I will post again.


Alright looking forward to your automated system postings. Just wanted to inform everyone that Hotforex withdrawal is on my credit card and was actually there on first day of withdrawal i just had to check the state in bank, so overall very good on Hotforex side. Looking forward for more withdrawals with them, hope they wont hate me too much for doing it:D

Hi Jan, Iā€™m ciaciu and Iā€™m very new in this trading world (not even graduate from babypips school :smiley: ).
I would like to congratulate you because your hybrid scalping system has won as Best Forex Trading Systems for May 2013 !
Iā€™m very eager to learn your system and I had downloaded the ā€œindicators.zipā€ in 1 page, but I canā€™t find the .mq4 for ā€œ10.2 TmaSlopeTrue NT v1.4B.4.30ā€, then after searched at Stevenā€™s forum and I got the ā€œ10.2 TMA slope v.1.4B 4.30.mq4ā€.
Is it pair of the ā€œ10.2 TmaSlopeTrue NT v1.4B.4.30.ex4ā€?


p.s : Iā€™ve just read previous post and sounds the same with my post. Please apologize me. But Iā€™m still hoping you could confirm the file I mentioned. :slight_smile:

@Ciaciu I think it is better if you properly go trough babypips school few times not just once before you pick up any system based on price action or complex indicators. Version 2 of system cannot be traded properly without decent understanding of price action, S/R and knowing indicators like Ichimoku from its head to toe. There are many lessons and tutorials out there anything you can find will help you to get better with this system. I know that Ichimoku tutorials are missing and most people will not teach you what i have found is esential to get maximum power out of this system. I will post more screenshots about such things in future pardon my lazyness, i am taking it bit slowly on summer:D

Anyways today has been probably best trading day in terms of profits on my side, over 1k. I wont be posting my earnings anymore couse i dont want to get too unproffessional, just posted initial profits to show what could be made with proper use of system.

videos please?

Video too Please:10: