I almost quit trading

@Princess014 don’t be rude to other users, I know you have bad time, but it is not excuses. Calm down, emotions are very bad advisor, @fyon26 just care about you, it is easy to put cash on the market and blow up the account.

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Dear Joheneba,

I absolutely agree with you. Widen SL with smaller lot. It was really frustrated, SL being hit then it went to our favor. :cold_sweat:

Right now, I am trying to educated my self to be a better trader.

Your advice is very much useful for me. Thank you, Joheneba :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dear Princess014,

I am much more happy alone too and independent.

Someone wise said: “When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns.”

So, Don’t worry. This too shall pass. Don’t feel depressed, just focus of what you want to do in future.

As what fyon26 said, He is not completely wrong. Trading can be very stressful, I admit it. It took a very strong mentality to be a good trader. You need to EXTREMELY calm and very patient in every situation. And you could waste a lot of money and time (He is also damn right). But as long as you stick in demo account until you have confidence, I think you have more chance to be a good trader in future.

Even though He said 99% it will not happen, but with right education and mindset, hopefully you could be the 1% successful trader in future.

One thing to remember though, the emotion when in demo account and real account will be very different. You will feel much more emotional when you use your real money (fear and greed) and you will have to go through this only by real account. But you can start small later to avoid being to much emotional. :smiling_face:

Wish you all the best…
Big hug from me. :hugs: :hugs:


You are welcome @Love88. Wish you all the best!

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Dear Princess014,

You have not failed in trading. Just have not succeeded yet. Don’t think about profit for now. Just try not to lose will be a good step. :smiling_face: Well, that’s my step one now. :grin:

Your life will get better one day. Don’t lose hope. We are a strong woman. We can go through this. What doesn’t kill you will make you even stronger.

I also decided not to quit, just take a few step back (Hey, market will always be there, so I can take as many times I want to learn and come back stronger) and with my fellow’s encouragement here, I am educating my self and I know one day, I will be a good trader. I know I am half way there, as long as I keep walking, no matter how far and painful the journey, Eventually I will arrive there. (Wish me luck :wink:)

Rainbow only appear after the rain and every cloud has its silver lining. Don’t repeat the same mistake, learn from it and voila! you are good to go.

Now, wake up!! dress beautifully, go out with smile. Go for some beauty treatments (you deserve this) or anything you like (just don’t sit in front of TV watching Netflix with bunch of snacks all day), forget about anything even trading for a while. Just have fun for a day. After that, your fabulous new fresh journey will start again.

Keep Fighting, Princess. I know you can do it!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Loved the way you talk. That’s impressive guidance.

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Dear Princess014,

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I decided to use real account but with small amount and small lot. Because I need to sharpen my trading psychology too especially fear and greed. The emotion is different.

I already retired. I had a small business. But, after divorced, Everything seems dark to me. I did not want to do anything, going anywhere and meet anybody for years. Luckily, I was saving enough to buy my own house, car and savings for investing in stocks & gold for passive income.

I am not worried anymore for basic necessities. Since I am not a fan of branded and luxury things (because I prefer function/value rather a brand and I don’t need to buy those only to impress anyone), and I am very careful in spending money. So, I am okay going through these days. :wink:

I want to explore and do something completely different from my past. Trading is my new business now. I want to grow and take care of it like I took care my flowers.

Another story that might help, I grow my flowers from a “tiny baby”. At first, It did not grow even a bit for a while, But it didn’t die.
I was wondering, If I should throw away and start with new one. But, I decided to keep patient and wait. All of sudden, It was starting to grow heavily. So, if you did not see anything at first, don’t be sad, keep patient.

Good luck to you too, Princess014. Cheers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


Dear Merryhenson,

Thank you. :smiling_face:
Remember that I was in tears when started this topic?
It was all because of you and other fellow’s encouragement that lightened me.

So grateful for meeting you guys. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Dear Princess014,

Thank you for your compliment :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Re: The divorce, The answer is in you - do what makes you happy. :blush:

In online business. I think drop shipping is a good idea, you don’t need any capital and stock up any goods. Or maybe try to create content for youtube or instagram (for long term).

I think the 1st step is now: try to reduce your expenses such as, instead of buying expensive branded coffee ( such as: star****), you can make your own using fancy glasses :yum: But, once in a while, its ok. You will be surprised to know, how much you spend money in these unnecessary stuff. I was very cautious in spending money.

Because, there is no point in earning millions if you can not save it. After you saved some money, try to invest in gold (it good investment against inflation) with small qty.

I was in Baby product business and in here, companies or banks tend to send hampers to their big clients in big events such as Eid Mubarak, Christmas and Chinese new year. So, I was outsourcing the cookies company, make hampers with my own packaging and brand and supply this to companies & banks (this is seasonal).

Wish you a bright future ahead. :hugs: :hugs:


Dear Princess014,

Thank you so much… I Wish you good luck too :hugs:

Ps: what I meant by gold investment is physical gold bar (not in trading or jewellery). Its much safer. :wink:

I keep losing money on demo…
The more bid the more lose, I feel more stressful.

Trading is more hard than I think, graphs are too choppy, now I don’t even know which timeframe to use, all not good…

Nothing goes well with trading and others😢

I don’t even know which country to live, keep changing countries…also have visa problems.

I have been bad for more than 30 years, already used for failure and bad, I don’t know when things will get better…

I’m really tired of my life

Always eat bunch of snacks for Netflix and playing online games, so stressful and unhappy.

11 days ago, I gave you some tips, today, you talk about same problems

why did you deleted previous post?

You reported me! My post was deleted by forum policy violation by some staff on forum! Don’t pretend you did nothing! Don’t pretend you’re innocent!! I feel very angry about you and the forum staff here!

Ps: I deleted my other posts, but this one I did not delete!!!

of course I reported you and I will do it again if you will be insulting me

I will not talk here again! Goodbye! Don’t talk to me ok, waste of my time! I can report you anytime too, but I not do because I’m not as bad as you for reporting!!

Finished talk here, don’t reply! Bye forever!

Goodbye everybody! Take care!

you have right to report, but you need a reason to do it

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Normally that has no effect, anyway. The spam and the bots always remain: it’s usually only the contributing, helpful members who leave, or are removed.

BP is a magnet for marketeers - think about it - guys believe an easy money making machine called the market, all needed is to learn the basics & the marketeers are there to offer their services for free.

So how to weed these out - no easy task as they become smarter - they’ll even warn learners about the risks.

It’s easy to blame the spams & bots as if they are easy to spot - but are they?

Edit: how do you knoe this post is not from a bot? (ans in the spelling)

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Yes, if you have moderators who know a bit about trading and about trading forums. Some other trading forums have no difficulty. Here, many people who report them are themselves removed while the bots continue to post with impunity. What does that tell you?