I got scammed by a company called Itrader.com

What was the scam, Like did they refuse to let you take your money out?

Thankyou for your informastion, might you may also want to share about cronologies how you get scammed from these site, maybe you already making big deposit and when trading getting profit then withdrawn was rejected or no respond?

Hi, @mcskipper sorry to hear about your bad experience. Did you receive any answer from the authorities so far? Will you be able to retrieve at least some part of your funds?
What kind of a broker is this Itrader.com? Never heard of them.

Sorry to hear about your losses and thank you for sharing this valuable information on this platform as it will avoid many other traders to get in the trap of this broker.

So sad dear! Why you invested all of your money into a single broker?

the have been raided in the Philippines

also checkout my website
I created to warn friends and family

I am also a victim of Itrader, recently I heared due to their criminal activities, a group of clients who lost money hired a cyber org group and attacked their website to make it down. and its down till day.
couldnt be more happy :slight_smile:

Hey you know those fraudsters are using Cloudflare which protects against those attacks

it wasn’t the plan what they do is they make you chase good money after bad until you realize their scam

They say put money to release your money their is a website that show how they are running a well oiled scam

Have a read of this article


Thats Itrader dor you have a read

No, so sad! I am really sorry to hear your story! Really, it’s such a bad experience to deal with this kind of market maker!

too many scam companies out there. be careful everyone…

Oh; I am sorry to hear your story! What’s the update now?

Thanks for support people…it helps

Exactly, this is why we traders need to enquiry the regulation status with the details before investing our own money!

Update on Itrader

Itrader are not only a bunch of fraudsters and crooks, Now they are threatening me with what I don’t know but it’s just one warning after another through email and post, plus your passing my number to other fraudsters. Though it’s the same fraudsters at Itrader using IP addresses to change numbers to different locations.
Itrader (Hoch Capital) I have a confirmed email from the UK Financial Conduct Authority FCA, a Police case number and email and Video evidence of your fraud on me taking place. Plus I had to submit bank transactions how they got money to go into their scam is with the authorities. Itrader you are using a suspicious lawyer from Cyprus. Who if not careful I would name and shame for associating with Itrader. I have already explained to you I will expose your scams just as I emailed Manchester City football club who you were sponsoring to promote your scams. And at one stage had the club footballers on your webpage. I even received an email where you labelled me an extortionist because I asked for my money back….Extortion is a criminal offence in the UK so I ask you if you think I’m an extortionist go to the police…
I have been reading other reviews of others scammed by Itrader just look at UK Trust pilot and various other internet sites around the world I have posted on a website the real shame is that you are allowed to get away with it.

Me too. very similar story to your own. Lot’s of over persuasive harassment, untrue statements, dodgy interest in accessing my bank accounts/visa card details while I was online in TEAMVIEWER with them, useless continual barrage of “success stories” (ie. IF we had place a down bet on this day, you would now be a millionaire?) … I kept trying to say I was not happy aboiut the level of risk. I kept saying that all they had told me so far was obvious to anyone with hindsight and bore no relation to future markets. They brushed aside my concerns, they bought and sold for me, using TEAMVIEWER mouse strokes. They gave me NO explanations, training or strategies, despite the fact that this was how they initially “lured me in”. I lost tens of thousands and am currently selling my home

Sorry to hear you were also a victim of this kind of scam…I think the authorities need to do something more to prevent this from happening. In the meantime I’ve named and shamed the company that scammed me on a website
Check it out

Maybe you could do it to…I could help

Even if you live in Cyprus, or Vanuatu, or any other tropical island, don’t send money to firms that have set up in low regulation jurisdictions. They’re not there for the customer’s benefit and they’re not there by chance.