I need an answer from the user Trendswithbenefits


You’ve made the right choice coming to BPs!!

Answers will come… Trust me! I’m a flounder! I have 2 eyes on the same side of my face!

I will suggest using the search tool above. It will unlock some information for you and usually you will find a lot of your answers there!

Here is a great thread started by @Trendswithbenefits. It was a BIG help for me!! You should definitely read the whole thread. It’s pretty short but is loaded with great info!

Good Luck and Welcome to BPs@


No you have not ! What you have done is to identify and communicate with one ( @Trendswithbenefits ) who does original thought and produces some quality posts and ideas. Sadly as he says he posts less here than he used to - and that is OUR loss !

Wherever you go, you will find the “spoilers” and soon you will be able to identify them yourself.

Welcome in ! :smile:


Hi; build your trading skill on chart reading you’ll have much better return! Without learning there is no permanent way!

of course I did. And I am not talking about the Trendswithbenefits user. I am more talking about the other members who entered my thread and instead of replying to my question for example they started talking about some other things and my question was ignored. I am sure Trendswithbenefits will reply but I am also refering to the other members. And I cannot see how people talking about different topics in my own thread could be possibly beneficial for me?

Thank you Peter! I am aware of that and I know that I have to learn a lot. The problem only is that I dont know where to start. There is so much stuff on Internet available and I know that some of it is not that relevant or important and some of it is very important. Trendswithbenefits was kind enough to give me some food for thoughts already.

I explained something similar here.

Hey @anon66934197… Yes, it is a similar idea, so anybody following this thread (both of you!), should have a look over at the thread link in the post above…

See your thread got mugged by the “Not a Clue Crew” back in the day… Gone and forgotten…

thank you Walespro,

I will have a look at it and TRY to understand it. I am very new to this, so all these abbreviations and terms rather confuse me. It will take me some time to chew it all up :-). Who knows, I might discover that it is all being too much for me, but I would really like to learn it a bit at least!

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You can start your learning process with BabyPips School; till now it’s the best course! Although it’s free!

Yes thats what im doing as well to have an idea what Pip is etc

That’s really great! You’ll get basic idea on trading from this course for sure!

Thanks for sharing about the strategies
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Don’t think I’ve ever read such amazing insights. Where’d you learn all of this stuff???

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