I need Expert help Please :-(

according to me, its all about same condition between two.

So, why you didn’t use SL in that trade? Trading without stop loss trading tool is really risky.

I wish I had £10,000 spear to trade with aha , I’m trading with just £1000 and I had to save that up lol. Any way @lissiemouse I think you need to take this as a huge bloody learning curve, this is how your gonna fix your problem the quickest way! Step1: Close all trades now. Like right now. Withdraw your money and work until you’ve saved it all up again ! But in the mean time of saving up you can read babypips school of trading it’s amazing bloody amazing, teaches you basics to advance. It’s also free and you have helpful forum page and the creators have some good systems that they share with us members so give them a read and see if one suits you and test it on demo. Step 2 : Now open a demo account and set the account in the account to £1000 and use what you’ve learnt for baby pips school and practice and practice and practice until you are 100% ready for live trading or at least until you’ve save up your £10,000 and another £1000 to trade with. Step3: And then if you feel comfy with your system open an account of £200 get used to the emotional side of live trading and then add the rest of the £1000 you saved up. Risk no more and I mean no more than 1% per trade but you will learn about this in baby pips school of trading. Also it doesn’t matter about how much you profit is, it’s all about surviving and then becoming profitable.

I don’t know your wage or what you earn etc so I don’t know how long it would take you to save up to £11,000 but I would say most likely be couple of years minimum before theses steps are complete but don’t lose hope I did it when I first started trading I rushed in and lost £800.00 in one day !!! And I learn from it I did the steps above save back up what I lost and saved up what I could afford to trade. Best of luck


Happy pip hunting

its a nice reply really , thanks for your nice post.

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