I pray for guidance and advice

The quote is right there, a few lines above my statement, you said you got 10% today and you’re 500% better than you were in March… no reference to logic whatsoever.

And, I want to add,

GREAT FREAKIN JOB on the 8% today!! That is from my heart Man, There arnt many " Go ahead, Good Jobs" thrown around in this forum.

ANd, I was hitting 50% in a day before ICT, I just didnt know how to keep it. And, EVERYONE here knows that.

I have more threads in this forum then Walmart sheets, on top, then down, streak then down, Grail, then lost, Key to the plan, then tossed, time after time after time, Its not lost time, its life. Being able to gather yourself for the next session.

I learned the hard way, finding my own route, Cutting down the wrong trees in the wrong path, just to end up at the beginning, but even stronger. IVe had people try to lead me the way, Ive been told I was doing it all wrong, Learn to trade they say. Nahh, I got this.

Trading, and Understanding why price moves, are 2 different things. But you need both to succeed. Did I waist time? I want to say yes. I took alot from the experience thats for sure. But time was waisted by being stupid, and hard headed, and add in my mental OCD and all that, you have a recipe for dragged out plans, LOL… But Ill tell ya this, the final outcome is always great, and the timing couldnt be better.

Maybe I wasnt ready to be in that life transition yet. Things happen for a reason, things take time for a reason.

Anyways WHeels, Again, Great Job on the 8% today, and hope the pips fall your way to make everyday delightful for you and yours.

Its not about how hard you hit, Its about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward, How much you can take, and keep moving forward, THATS HOW WINNING IS DONE!!-Rocky Balboa


Im 500% Better then March, I didnt think I had to put Logic or anything in front of “Im”, to make it clear of the intentions of the phrase.

I just said Logic above, to refer to the " Im" meaning, My dang thinking, assumptions,analysis, account and confluence to the matter of the Phase " Im 500% better then I was in March"

WHere you, Using the same phrase structure, you got, " Im up 500% since March" which isnt what I had said to begin with.

You speed read it, and thought it said, " Im up the better part of 500% since March", lol… No?

*shruggs, I dont really care bro, but it was fun to eat up some time this afternoon. Thanks ,


Sounds like we have VERY different approaches to everything NVRSleeps, I don’t care what makes price move and I think predicting where price is going to go via technical or fundamental analysis is mostly superstition lol. I believe the universe (and forex direction) is random or at least so complex that long term it can be reasonably expected to behave as if it were random.

But I agree completely that life is about getting back up, and thank you for the congratulations the same to you.

You can begin by defining your specific problem. After which, post your question to everyone here for some discussion.

Occulti, good to see youve started the school. Can I suggest that you study all of it, not just bits? It might take a bit longer but you will end up with a better rounded understanding of forex and, crucially, will be more able to determine your own future trading style

We all have different methods of trading in the Forex markets. If our trading skills are correct then we can certainly get more profits from our trades :slight_smile:

there will come a time when traders should realize that its better to go through the hard path than waste time asking around about short cuts, nothing comes in a silver platter back in the days, lets just say the new generation are lucky to be reading about the mess we did 5-10 years ago LOL

Forex is the business in which only those are earning who have good knowledge and experience, you should trade with positive mind and should show the consistency in order to get the fruitful result from this business.