I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

I like gbp/usd . thx


am happy that am not selling any signal to anyone, well keep on being a critic. For the records i did not start this thread for cheap praises.
Am 100% sure that this thread has benefited some persons which makes me very happy.

I welcome constructive criticism but not when someone keeps looking for faults.[/QUOTE]

Hi Holique,

I am not looking for fault. I am trying to keep a trail. If anyone who is reading your thread in 6 months down the road, will think that the trade is a home run. I am sure that everyone has a bad run. All my posting to you have been positive and if your idea is positive, it will stand the test of fire. A person normally lost the cool because he knew that someone has pointed out something true. Why I point out something is because a lot of people are still blinding following you, and we have to be fair to them because trading involve real money.

Declaimer: I have been trading for the past 10 years and I dare to say, so far I have been making decent earning furthermore, I am working for a reputable bank. I am not jealous or hater of u, but I do seriously see a flaw in your indicator.


Guys please refer to Horlique answer again. He clearly mentioned the word (Now) so that explains itself. It did hit sl but it was a hone run afterwards. And that exactly Horlique meant. Whats the big deal here…[/QUOTE]


If SL is hit, it will be consider as an invalid trade or break even trade. It should never be consider as home run.

For example, I post that AUD will rise 2000 pips and I indicate a SL of 1 pips. If my SL is hit and then in 3 months down the Road, AUD indeed hit the TP, then can I tell others that it is a home run. And if AUD turn in the different direction, I can safely tell other that the trade was SL and either way, I am right.

So in trading, we must be very clear in term or SL, TP. And exact recording must be done. Precise is very important.

get a life fa**ot[/QUOTE]

He’s just a keyboard warrior who makes no profit from trading and he knows it[/QUOTE]

Lol!!! Well we just found the forum’s mental giant. :+1:

I wasn’t going to say anything but it’s getting to be too much. To all of you whiny critics, you don’t need to be there. You have a problem with horliques strategy, method, terminology, or anything else, just leave. Go find another thread. We don’t come here to listen to you cry and moan and complain. We come here to follow horlique. We don’t care about your indicators, where you work, what you had for breakfast. Start your own damn thread.

I’m sick of scrolling through post after post of of this garbage.

Keep up the good work horlique and thanks for your contributions.

I stopped participating on this thread because the signals lost 89% of my capital and 100% of my gains which were 37% of my capital. I did not gripe to Horlique because we all are adults and this is a use at your own risk and discretion. Some people love this guy and others hate him but to be honest there should be little to no comment on anything other than his posting signals and instructions. I could whine and cry but that will not bring my money back. I chose to follow him and I did from day one but when my account was pretty much at zero I did not fund it then continue to use these signals. I use eldistritofinanciero.com and have a personal account rep and am sitting at 17% returns in 2 weeks with them. With that being said, I feel that all the mud slinging is just a show, some whacked out lunatic behind a computer has a big ego and a small p€||!s has mental issues. These are people that will act like this on the net but don’t have to ball-s to back it up in real life. The best thing to do is to ignore them. Remember that ignore is part of the word ignorant - so we should ignore those who are ignorant.

Very well drafted reply that was targeted at holique and me.

Purely for the respect of your reply, this will be my last posting in this thread.

  1. I want to provide a trail to track the trade. Cause I went back to page one and from all his 5+ trade, not all turn out as what it is. I just want to alert the netizen of SL or TP to provide a trail.

  2. There are a lot of other investor who purely follow the thread and lost money. I hope that this will provide an alert to highlight to them that they must analysed before using signal.

  3. I do spend days to back-test and analysed the tactics, and I do find out a lot of flaws. (wanted to discuss with him which he rejected my offer)

Please be informed that this will be my last posting and I will not read this thread from this moment onward.

All the best :wink:

get a life fa**ot[/QUOTE]

Actually I was referring to the person who wrote the post above but if you feel that way oh well. I have no beef with horlique so I think I should practice what I preach and IGNORE you.

Did the signals from this thread alone lost 89% of your capital?.
Cos according to records this thread have not recorded a 15 trades straight losses. We have made more wins than losses with some good home runs. Did you follow our 2% risk per trade principle?

I can still remember a post about how the Euro news took a bad hit on your account…

am not surprise about this kind of post, cos you feel all the comments of people making money from this thread(right from the beginning of this thread) are all lies. Well You can keep spending the rest of your life looking for people’s faults its a good job keep up. Hahahahahaha.

Its funny that you have the time read ‘‘1500 replies/comments’’ on this thread just to find faults to discredit ‘Horlique2’

Hi Horlique,

I am new and I have been following some of your trades for a few weeks. I just wanted to say thank you for what you do. You don’t have to share your signals with us, but you do. It is greatly appreciated. I just had to comment because I don’t like it when people attack each other. Keep up the good work!

I commend him for what he does and may he receive blessings for it but it is not for everyone. It was not for me and I left but since I was one of the first to follow I felt the need to speak up against those who are abusive. I have no hard feelings with horlique2 I just don’t use the signals anymore and it is a personal choice. Everyone is entitled to such, even yourself. I will not tell you or anyone else to or not to use them.

That is very nice of you. I was actually referring to someone else that was attacking Horlique. But I did have a question for you. You said you use another website. I went on it and it is not in English. I believe it is in Spanish. So If I wanted to get some information on it, how would I do that?

These guys work with fxcm. I am a native English speaker but since I live in Central America they contacted me via fxcm referral based on geolocation. They say they are based in NY and my account rep has never spoken English with me so I am not sure if they can provide English services. If you pm me I will provide you with the account rep’s details and you can contact her. She sends training emails every day and signals and calls a few times a week. The signal for today earned me some pips and is as follows:


Tiempo de Emisión: Miércoles, 04 septiembre de 2013 15:01:15 GMT
Estado: Compra
Entrada: 0.78892 - 0.793
Límite: N/A
Stop Loss: 0.78280

La Estrategia de Cambio de Marea (Momentum2) ha comprado recientemente el par NZDUSD en 0.79096. El sistema recomienda entrar a operar en cualquier precio entre 0.78892 y 0.793. La señal fue emitida porque el Índice de Sentimiento Especulativo llegó a su nivel más negativo de las últimas 145 horas de operación en 2.179, que sugiere que el par NZDUSD podría estar con una tendencia al alza. El Rango de Promedio Real de 14-periodos sobre una gráfica diaria está en 0.00163, así que el stop loss ha sido establecido en 0.7828. Este stop es de arrastre, así que se moverá conforme lo haga el mercado. No hau objetivo de ganancia y esperamos que la posición sea cerrada por el stop loss.

I got in at 78895 and out at 79200 (sorry I corrected this)

That sounds pretty awesome. I can’t PM you for some reason

I think you are too new and they limit pm’s because of spam.

yes I think you are right. As soon as I can PM, hopefully soon lol I will PM you. Thanks so much again

Ok keep in touch!

Am just surprise about your 89% loss post. Well when the outcome is not good, people do say whatever they want. Even people who have benefited alot from this thread will always come back to say negative comments about the thread.

for those who followed this setup today we are having a big usd news ‘NON FARM PAYROL’ at 8;30am EST , so once these trades move into decent profits quickly move stops to breakeven. If these trades are still running negative prior to this news time please reduce the stops level by 50% to take a little loss if the news goes against our positions.