I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

[QUOTE=“Horlique2;530580”]Some of the last comments on this thread made by ‘I LOVE PIZZA and others’ are just too childish and annoying, thats why i think babypips seriously need to introduce a ‘moderation feature’ for the ‘thread starter’ just like what forexfactory is doing. Am surprise when some adults reason like babies. There are so many persons who should not be making comments on this thread due to their low level of maturity.
Its funny that someone could claim this thread is rubbish but still come around to make silly comments on this thread about things that has nothing to do with trading. Am sure some of these useless posters have psychic problems. BABYPIPS REALLY NEED TO INTRODUCE A’ thread control ’ FEATURE FOR THREAD STARTERS.[/QUOTE]

Childish huh…? Like throwing a temper tantrum every time someone points out when you are wrong…?

Lets rehash this…

You say this …

i strongly believe that Audusd be move higher after the ‘‘Australia emplyment change’’[/QUOTE]

And I post a chart of the Aussie falling like a rock right after the employment figures you thought were going to boost the Aussie… And simply saying “Nope!”

And then you post this…


hmmmmmm am surprise u are not tired of negative comments like this. Hhahahaha.[/QUOTE]

So what’s your deal…? Is no one supposed to acknowledge when you are wrong…? Yeh no one is right 100% of the time… But 100% of the time that you have been wrong and someone points it out you throw a tantrum like a baby and play a victim of “negativity”…

slaps baby’s hand … Stop that! ddc49

Let the battle rages on

why can’t we just stop this pin-pointing nonsense to each other and get back to the original reason of this thread? i agree with the others, it’s all and only about trading, no need to start the fire… i’ve seen good guys leaving their threads just because of all those crappy arguments, they just abandoned a very good and useful thread cause they got enough of the others behavior… i really don’t want to see this happening here… hope not!

Yes I saw that post but I don’t think that means he doesn’t dare to face the fact. There are plenty other trading posts ended as lose trade but he didn’t delete them…

Please be quiet if you don’t have any positive comment or contribution to this thread.

[QUOTE=“mozola;530596”]why can’t we just stop this pin-pointing nonsense to each other and get back to the original reason of this thread? i agree with the others, it’s all and only about trading, no need to start the fire… i’ve seen good guys leaving their threads just because of all those crappy arguments, they just abandoned a very good and useful thread cause they got enough of the others behavior… i really don’t want to see this happening here… hope not![/QUOTE]

The good guys don’t throw tantrums when someone simply shows a chart that is doing exactly the opposite of what was predicted… Beware of someone like that.

This is just one of the fault finders, MR TONG your ‘‘fault-finding-ability’’ will gradually turn you into a blind man. Hahahahahahahah.
Keep on embarrasing yourself on the forum. Lol.


The good guys don’t throw tantrums when someone simply shows a chart that is doing exactly the opposite of what was predicted… Beware of someone like that.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure about your definition? “A tantrum or temper tantrum is an emotional outbreak, usually associated with children or those in emotional distress, that is typically characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification and, at some cases, hitting. Physical control may be lost, the person may be unable to remain still, and even if the “goal” of the person is met he or she may not be calmed…”


Are you sure about your definition? “A tantrum or temper tantrum is an emotional outbreak, usually associated with children or those in emotional distress, that is typically characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification and, at some cases, hitting. Physical control may be lost, the person may be unable to remain still, and even if the “goal” of the person is met he or she may not be calmed…”[/QUOTE]

Yes … I believe this post in response to me simply posting a chart characterizes “angry ranting, crying, and screaming”… Notice the use of cap locks… Typically used to denote yelling.

[QUOTE=“Horlique2;530580”]Some of the last comments on this thread made by ‘I LOVE PIZZA and others’ are just too childish and annoying, thats why i think babypips seriously need to introduce a ‘moderation feature’ for the ‘thread starter’ just like what forexfactory is doing. Am surprise when some adults reason like babies. There are so many persons who should not be making comments on this thread due to their low level of maturity.
Its funny that someone could claim this thread is rubbish but still come around to make silly comments on this thread about things that has nothing to do with trading. Am sure some of these useless posters have psychic problems. BABYPIPS REALLY NEED TO INTRODUCE A’ thread control ’ FEATURE FOR THREAD STARTERS.[/QUOTE]

This exemplifies the emotional reaction a child has when he is upset and not pleased with what is happening… Aka a tantrum.

All right, after taking a deep breath, can we just go back to trading? Signals, targets, pips, trends, directions, stoplosses… No emotions, only cold blood trading…

That’s what I was trying to do by posting a chart…

Audusd… Tanking hard


That’s what I was trying to do by posting a chart…

Audusd… Tanking hard

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

Is it going to fall some more, or start to range, or rise soon?

first skyblue, ilovepizzmore, cnpforx now this alextong guy. LOL. seriously guys? jealous much? and whats the point of pointing out the wrong calls, how about the right calls he made? why dont u point that out too. this ilovepizzamore guy come around when horlique is making wrong calls. so annoying, can u quit already? we dont need u here. since u are a “FX honory bla bla bla man” why dont u make urself useful on other threads? pls go =D u guys are making urself look stupid and childish, really =)

ILovePizzaMore should start a thread of his own and lets see how profitable he can be. That’s more time efficient than being here and looking for bad trades.

Very funny comments,i cant stop laughing . Some human beings are just ridiculously funny. Putting an Audusd chart cos of my opinion is damn funny, claiming i deleted a comment is just damn funny, claiming that am flirting is just childish… Hahahahahahaha i could really love to see these fellows physically… Once in a while haters will always come around to pour their ‘FRUSTRATIONS’ on this thread… I cant stop laughing…

If Mr PizzaMan also start a forum giving signals, I will follow, but it seemed he won’t be able to do so for unknown reasons.

We are all here to make pips, but it seemed he is not interested in making pips. This is really mysterious. The world is such a gigantic place. If he is not here to make pips, what is he here for? His thinking cannot be fathomed!!!

Great to be cautious! when in doubt don’t, so I just never traded with this pair, so the outcome is 115 pips for me today.

Thanks Horlique! and for the warning too. Too bad I cant trade Gold, there’s no gold pair in zulu.

Keep it up bro!

[QUOTE=“Horlique2;530642”]Very funny comments,i cant stop laughing . Some human beings are just ridiculously funny. Putting an Audusd chart cos of my opinion is damn funny, claiming i deleted a comment is just damn funny, claiming that am flirting is just childish… Hahahahahahaha i could really love to see these fellows physically… Once in a while haters will always come around to pour their ‘FRUSTRATIONS’ on this thread… I cant stop laughing…[/QUOTE]

Well said :wink:
Be careful not too laugh though as that could be perceived as Internet flirting :wink:
Take no notice of the negativity and just focus on the positive things you do. :wink:
Furthermore, if we all just ignore him then he will soon get bored and start on someone else’s thread as I have seen over the past few months. :wink:

Thanks alot for the advice beauty…

Hey, horlique, when you said 55 pips stop for gold. from 1364. what is the sl level?. i am a little confuse for gold pairs,

You can trade Gold pair in zulu, too! You must receive different password for MT4. So you can download and install [B]Meta Trader 4[/B] from your broker website, then login to MT4 with your account number and MT4 password.
Then right click on Market Watch window ==> Symbols ==> Spot Metals ==> XAUUSD
So Gold pair will add to your “Market Watch” window, you can right click on this pair in Market Watch window and choose “Chart Window”.
Now you have Gold/USD chart and you can trade on this pair. It’s necessary to learn how to work with MT4.

[B]I think it’s better to Horliqe make a zulu account and escape from negative comments in this thread! Because he is a successful and considerate manager.[/B]