Ichimoku Trading System

Well last night was exciting! 4 Trades in the KS system hit their TS for a total profit of 5.1%.

Overall it was a quiet day, as is typical during these lazy, low volume holidays. Came close to going long AUD/JPY in the KS and CT systems but the Chikou Span is just barely above the price curve and I will wait a day or 2 to confirm, meaning the trade, if it happens won’t be until next week.

Same with a bunch of other Yen pairs, EUR/JPY, GPY/JPY and CHF/JPY are both close but not quiet there yet.

In the original system, EUR/JPY short is waiting for final confirmation to close out that losing trade. This is likely to happen next week as well.

One final note for the KS system: EUR/USD short is 50 pips from the TS and right now the dollar is rallying sharply so it might hit tonight. Overall I am looking at a 145 pip profit representing .6% account return, so I would prefer it return to its downward trend, but it is what it is, and a win is a win.

Now on to the system summaries:

Original System: 3% capital risk, Kumo cloud+20 pips SL, exit trade when full confirmation of trend reversal

Closed Trades: 3
Win/Loss Record: 0-3
Realized Profit: -10.1%

Open Trades: 14
Win/Loss Record: 9-5
Unrealized Profit: 14.4%

Total Performance: 4.4% in 22 days= .196% daily return= 104% annualized return

KS system: 1% capital risk, SL set at KS, TS set at SL size-10 pips when trade profit= SL size

Closed Trades: 9
Win/Loss Record: 5-4
Realized Profit: .4%

Open Trades: 8
Win/Loss Record: 6-2
Unrealized Profit: 4.2%

Total Performance: 4.6% in 17 days= .26% daily= 162% annualized return

Note the major reason that the KS system is beating the Original system which has 3X as much leverage is the wise use of TS, which locks in profits that are fast evaporating from Original.

CT system: 3% capital risk, SL set at KS, TS set at SL size-10 pips when profit= SL size, BUT only trades who have a profitable carry trade of 1% or greater are entered.

Open trades: 2
Win/Loss record: 2-0 (this is pure luck)
Unrealized Profit: 9.8% (due to massive move by EUR/NZD short that now has TS)

Total Return: 9.8% in 2 days= 4.8% daily= 2,600,000% annualized gain.

Brief update tonight, no system performance summaries just news:

Original system: closed EUR/JPY short, opened smaller USD/CAD short trade, margin used was calculated to bring this system up to max safe margin.

KS system : 2 new trades: AUD/JPY long and USD/CAD short

CT system : BIG NEWS! EUR/NZD short hit the TS and closed with 7.5% profit, same trade re-opened along with AUD/JPY long.

Real Money system: Oanda finally deposited my $10 and I opened 7 trades today. AUD/JPY , CAD/JPY , and NZD/JPY all long, EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD, EUR/NZD, USD/CAD all short.

Rules for the real money system are the same as KS system but with 2% capital risk.

Since the SLs are rather large with the older trends (all expect USD/CAD short), I will set the TS based on the SL size when the trend would have been new. This will mean setting Trailing Stops of about 190-240 pips when and if I become 190-240 pips up on these trades rather than waiting for the trades to become 205-330 pips in the green.

I will hold off reporting performance summaries until Friday, to give each system time to prove itself.

Out of curiosity, exactly what number did you sell in on the US/CAD?

I’m short there as well.

Ah USD/CAD short, my first “new trade” meaning I entered it as early as my system rules would allow.

I shorted at 1.04302 with a tight 127.5 pip SL, which makes this my biggest trade, 16 units or 1.6:1 leverage.

Because of the high leverage I am up .7% so far on this trade which is my biggest gainer $ wise, despite the pair only being up .38%. Aud/JPY is up …76% and EUR/AUD is up 60% more pips but both are slightly smaller gains because of the trade size.

Original system: EUR/JPY closed out

KS system: GBP/CAD and GBP/CHF shorted, AUD/USD short hit its SL

CT system: EUR/AUD shorted

Real system: GBP/CAD and GBP/CHF shorted

Performance summary: (I realize that if I don’t do one each day I will lose track of winners and losers for the systems).

[B]Original system:[/B]Closed Trades: 4
Win/Loss record: 0-4
Realized profit: -12.6%

Open Trades: 14
Win/Loss record: 11-3
Unrealized Profit: 19.7%

Total return: 7.2% in 27 days = .26%/day = [B]156% annualized returns[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B]
Closed Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 5-5
Realized Profit: -.7%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 7-4
Unrealized Profit: 5.3%

Total Return: 4.6% in 22 days= .2% daily return = [B]111% annualized gain[/B]

[B]CT system:[/B]

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.5%

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 3-1
Unrealized Profit: 2.4%

Total Return: 9.9% in 6 days = 1.6% daily return = [B]31,000% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System: [/B]Open Trades: 9
Win/Loss Record: 4-5
Unrealized Profit: .5%

Total Return: .5% in 1 day= [B]517% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System[/B]: No new trades or changes

Closed Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 0-4
Realized Profit, (including carry trades): -12.6%

Open Trades: 14
Win/Loss Record: 11-3
Unrealized Profit: 26.1%

Total Return: 13.5% in 28 days= .453% daily return= [B]421% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system[/B]: EUR/USD hit its TS last night, closed for a .7% profit

Closed Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 6-5
Realized Profit: 0%

Open Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 10-0
Unrealized Profit: 6.4%

Total Return: 6.4% in 23 days = .27% daily return = [B]167% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system[/B]: No changes

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized profit: 7.5%

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 4-0
Unrealized Profit: 5.5%

Total Returns: 13% in 7 days= 1.76% daily return = [B]58,468% annualized return[/B]

Note: this 7 day return for the CT system is an example of an epic string of good luck, 5 trades, all of them big winners, the scale of this run of good luck is akin to the box office performance of Titanic or Avatar, a once in a decade kind of spectacle that you have to marvel at.

[B]Real Money System[/B]: GBP/USD shorted today

Open Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 9-1
Unrealized Profit: 5.4% in 2 days = 2.665% daily return = [B]1,473,608% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System:[/B] AUD/USD and NZD/USD shorts were stopped out today, AUD/JPY long and GBP/CHF short trades entered.

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.6%

Open Trades: 14
Win/Loss Record: 11-3
Unrealized Profit: 29.5%

Total Return: [B]10.9% in 29 days [/B]= .357% daily return = [B]268% annualized returns[/B]

[B]KS system[/B]: went long CHF/JPY, 180 pip TS set on NZD/JPY long

Closed Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 6-5
Realized Gain: 0%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 9-2
Unrealized Profit: 8.1%

Total Return: [B]8.1% in 24 days[/B]= .325% daily return = [B]227% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system[/B]: 193 pip TS set on NZD/JPY long trade, 238 pip TS set on EUR/NZD short

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.6%

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 4-0
Unrealized Profit: 10.1%

Total Return: [B]17.7% in 8 days[/B]: 2.058% daily return = [B]1,697,403% annualized return[/B]

Note: the epic run of good luck for the CT system continues unabeited and continues to be a marvel to behold. Though this won’t be sustainable once losing trades occur, for now its fun as hell to wonder “what if”.

[B]Real Money System[/B]: went long CHF/JPY, set 217 pip TS on EUR/AUD short and 220 pip TS on EUR/NZD short, 229 pip TS on GBP/CAD short and 117.5 pip TS on USD/CAD short.

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 11-0
Unrealized profit: 13.2%

Total Return: [B]13.2% in 3 days [/B]= 4.25% daily return = [B]396,257,721% annualized return[/B]

Note: this annualized performance figure is likely to be the highest ever recorded on this log, again its purely based on incredibly good short term luck but I am still enjoying it since it represents real profits on my part.

What’s your available capital base you are using for this?

What’s the pip value in $,£ or whatever you are using?

How much was you largest drawdown excluding floating P/L?

Thank you.

I am trading an Oanda account with $10 in it, (each month that I am profitable I will add double my account balance).

Regarding the USD/CAD short trade, due to the small SL I was able to short 16 units, worth $16 and still risk only $.20 or 2% of capital. This represents 1.6:1 leverage for this trade.

As of this moment the trade is up 135 pips and in accordance with my system I am placing a TS 117.5 pips behind it.

[B]Original System[/B]: I had previously miscalculated the maximum safe margin and have discovered that this system has sufficient margin for additional trades. As such EUR, CHF and NZD/JPY longs were added today.

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.7%

Open Trades: 17
Win/Loss Record: 15-2
Unrealized Profit: 37.1%

[B]Total Return: 18.4% in 30 days [/B]= .565% daily return = [B]681% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system[/B]: EUR/USD short was re-entered

Closed Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 6-5
Realized Profit: 0%

Open Trades: 12
Win/Loss Record: 11-1
Unrealized Profit: 8.7%

[B]Total Return: 8.7% in 25 days[/B]= .334% daily return= [B]238% annualize return[/B]

[B]CT syst[/B]em: no changes

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.6%

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 4-0
Unrealized Profit: 8.7%

[B]Total Return: 14.4% in 9 days[/B]= 1.506% daily return = [B]23,315% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System[/B]: Important change was made to how this system exits trades.

After consulting numerous people on these forums I had decided to go with a manual trailing stop, adjusted to the level of the Kinjun-sen at the end of each trading day. I figure that if the SL can be set by this metric, (because the trade hypothesis is invalidated) then the exit of a trade can also be determined by the Kinjun-sen.

This change does not invalidate the data so far collected since no trades have closed and gives us all a valuable insight into another way of exiting trades.

Original system exits based on confirmed trend reversal, (will catch the longest and most profitable trades, BUT will also leave a lot of profit on the table)

KS and CT use TS, ( will lead to more trades and smaller profits but a higher % of profitable trades)

Real Money used KS to readjust the SL each day, (hybrid system of the previous two, doesn’t lock in profits as much but lets big trends run longer, for bigger profits).

Now on to the new trades of the day: EUR/JPY and USD/JPY long, EUR/USD short

System summary:

Open Trades: 14
Win/Loss Record: 13-1
Unrealized Profit: 11.1%

[B]Total Return: 11.1% in 4 days [/B]= 2.666% daily return = [B]1,483,811% annualized return[/B]

It will be interesting to see how tomorrow’s HUGE news day affects each system. EUR, CAD and USD employment data + EUR GDP= major moves.

Best case scenario: EUR data is worse than expected, US is about expected and CAD is much better than expected.

Based on the estimated figures for USD and CAD data coming out tomorrow I think the last 2 scenarios are likely but as for the EUR data, the likeliest case is as expected.

How that will impact the Real Money system, (as well as the others) we’ll have to see.

The exposure of the Real Money System is as such:

Short, (in order of most exposure in units) JPY, GBP, EUR

High impact news will involve: EUR USD and CAD, with medium impact news involving the GBP

[B]Original System[/B]: AUD/USD long, EUR/CHF short and some additional USD/CAD and GBP/CHF shorts added.

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -19.9%

Open Trades: 21
WIn/Loss Record: 15-6
Unrealized Profit: 36.7%, (calculated as unrealized profit/current account balance)

[B]Total Return,[/B] (including carry trades): [B]11.1% in 32 days[/B]= .329% daily return= [B]232% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] EUR/NZD and EUR/CAD shorts hit TS and closed for 3.66% combined profit. EUR/CHF shorted and AUD/USD long.

Closed Trades: 13
Win/Loss Record: 8-5
Realized Profit: 3.66%

Open Trades: 12
Win/Loss Record: 8-4
Unrealized Profit: 3%

[B]Total Return: 6.7% in 27 days[/B]: = .24% daily= [B]124% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system[/B]: AUD/USD long entered

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.7%

Open Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 4-1
Unrealized Profit: 9.4%

[B]Total Return: 17.7% in 11 days[/B]= 1.49% daily return= [B]22,210% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System[/B]: AUD/USD long, EUR/CHF short

Open Trades: 16
Win/Loss Record: 12-4
Unrealized Profit: 9%

[B]Total Return: 9% in 6 days[/B]= 1.45% daily return= [B]18,814% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System[/B]: No changes

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.75%

Open Trades: 21
Win/Loss Record: 19-2
Unrealized Profit: 34.21%

[B]Total Return: 9.1% in 33 days [/B]= .264% daily return= [B]162% annualized return[/B]

Note: With each passing day I become more convinced that this system is doomed to failure. Yes it will catch and ride multi-month long mega trends for massive profits, BUT the trade management rules will result in many big profits turning into small to medium size losses.

I advise any person utilizing position trading to have some kind of trade management that locks in profits, whether it be a TS, a TP or adjusting SL, (a manual TS).

[B]KS System[/B]: EUR/USD short and USD/CHF long stopped out

Closed Trades: 15
Win/Loss Record: 8-7
Realized Profit: 1.51%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 10-1
Unrealized Profit: 5.66%

[B]Total Return: 7.13% in 28 days[/B]= .246% daily return = [B]145% annualized return[/B]

Note: KS system has returned nearly as good returns as original system despite using 1/3 the leverage. The difference is the method of exiting trades, the TS, which locks in profits.

[B]CT system:[/B] Went long NZD/USD, 212 pip TS placed on EUR/AUD short

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.71%

Open Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 5-1
Unrealized Profit: 10.82%

[B]Total Return: 18.48% in 12 days[/B]= 1.423% daily return= [B]17,279% annualized return[/B]

Note:so far the carry trades for this system, (the CT in the name stands for carry trades) have netted .249% profit or 3.23% of the realized gains. As the number of trades increases this % will increase.

Note of interest regarding carry trades: daily interest has averaged $.21/day on a $1000 demo account using 3% capital risk.

[B]Real Money System[/B]: EUR/USD short was stopped out becoming my first closed trade. Went long NZD/USD.

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 0-1
Realized Profit: -2%

Open Trades: 16
Win/Loss Record: 13-3
Unrealized Profit: 12.1%

[B]Total Return: 10.1% in 7 days[/B]= 1.384% daily return= [B]14,998% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.8%

Open Trades: 21
Win/Loss Record: 17-4
Unrealized Profit: 28.47%

[B]Total Return: 4.2% in 34 days[/B]= .122% daily return= [B]55.5% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] No changes

Closed Trades: 15
Win/Loss Record: 8-7
Realized Profit: 1.51%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 9-2
Unrealized Profit: 4.6%

[B]Total Return: 6.1% in 29 days[/B]= .204% daily return= [B]110.7% annualized return[/B]

Note: Kudos to San Miguel for helping me devise this system which is now outperforming my original system.

[B]CT system:[/B] No changes

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss Record: 1-0
Realized Profit: 7.75%

Open Trades: 6-0
Win/Loss Record: 6-0
Unrealized Profit: 11.6%

[B]Total Return: 19.4% in 13 days[/B]= 1.373% daily return= [B]14,222.6% annualized return[/B]

Note: Carry Trade profit now stands at .292% and represents 3.77% of realized profit

[B]Real Money System[/B]: GBP/USD stopped out

Closed Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 0-2
Realized Profit: -4%

Open Trades: 15
Win/Loss Record: 12-3
Unrealized Profit: 9.8%

[B]Total Return: 5.8% in 8 days[/B] =.707% daily return= [B]1,209.7% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System:[/B] No changes

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.8%

Open Trades: 21
Win/loss Record: 10-11 (today was A REALLY TERRIBLE DAY)
Unrealized Profit: 16.17%

[B]Total Return: -5.61% in 35 days[/B]= -.165% daily return= [B]-45.23% annualized return[/B]

note: this is the first time the original system is losing money

[B]KS system: [/B]CAD/JPY long hit TS for .6% profit

Closed Trades: 16
Win/Loss Record: 9-7
Realized Profit: 2.145%

Open Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 5-5
Unrealized Profit: 1.65%

[B]Total Return: 3.213% in 30 days[/B]= .105% daily return= [B]46.93% annualized return[/B]

note: Mega Props to San Miguel, who gave me the tips for this system which has survived profitable after my first ever mega disaster day. It does seem that your idea of using Trailing Stop losses is superior to my two exit methods.

Also, the most important thing to consider with the KS system is that the Trailing stop has resulted in 56.25% profitable trades. Though not yet statistically signifigant, should this system prove above 50% profitable in terms of closed trades, the leverage could be increased by using a 2% or 3%/trade capital risk.

For example, if we wanted to compare apples to apples with the KS vs Original system and make both 3% capital risk, then the performance of the KS system would be:

Total Return: 9.639% in 30 days= .307% daily return= 206.3% annualized return

[B]CT system:[/B] EUR/AUD short hit TS for .5% profit

Closed Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 2-0
Realized Profit: 8.74%

Open Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 4-1
Unrealized Profits: 4.475%

[B]Total Return: 11.2644% in 14 days[/B]= .765% daily return=[B]1,516.49% annualized return[/B]

Note: Again mega props to San Miguel who’s trading systems are kicking ass while mine are crashing and burning.

In terms of Carry Trades profits: .333% after 14 days= 4.12% of realized profit.

This is a surprising since this system’s peak leverage was 7.7:1 but so far the carry trades alone are returning profits at a rate of 8.68% annually.

Given the fact that there are currently 9 valid carry trade pairs, one could easily make 10-12% annually from the interest payments alone! That is performance equivalent to the stock markets historical 70 year return!

[B]Real Money System[/B]: USD/JPY long and EUR/CAD short both hit Sl

Closed Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 0-4
Realized Profit: -6.2%

Open Trades: 13
Win/Loss Record: 8-5
Unrealized Profit: 1.3%

[B]Total Return: -4.9% in 9 days[/B]= -.557% daily return= [B]-86.97% annualized return[/B]

Note: This days terrible performance exemplifies what happens when the markets turn against you, at some point today almost all my trades were in the red, the opposite of the great luck I’ve had for the past month where almost all my trades where going my way.

This kind of day is a certainty for any trader and so such “black” days as this are important in terms of data collection.

The fact that San Miguel’s systems, which use a trailing stop, managed to maintain profitability where mine collapsed is solid piece of evidence for the use of trailing stops.

Of course I only have 35 daily data points so no statistically signifigant conclusion can be drawn yet, but I am very glad that I have continued tracking 4 different systems that utilize 3 different trade management techniques.

If my chosen system proves unprofitable after 40 days whereas the KS and CT systems inspired by San Miguel are profitable I will be switching to one of those, (in terms of my real money system).

One Final Note: I am adding one final system to the 4 I already track.

It is called the CTPP system, which stands for Carry Trade, protect profits.

The idea behind it is this: Carry trades, of which there are currently 9 pairs, do offer a strong potential for guaranteed profit.

In fact, if we look at the daily interest payments for the CT system, average them/day and extrapolate them over the course of a year, we find that one would earn 8.8% from carry trades.

Now that is with only 6 trades ever entered simultaneously, if we extrapolate this to all 9 then we get 13.2% annual carry trade profit.

If we were using higher leverage, ie 5% capital risk, which allows a maximum of 10 simultaneous trades, (this system only trades the top 10 carry trades) and used trade management that maximizes the % of profitable trades above 50% then perhaps the following system will do well.

CTPP system:

Money management:
5% capital risk/trade, SL set at KS

note: on fresh trends, SLs are low and leverage is very high, 5-8:1/trade. This limits this system to 3-4 simultaneous trades max if trend is new, 4-5 if trend is established.

Trade Management:

Entrance Rules:

Enter if:

  1. Kumo Breakout
  2. Chikou Span confirms
  3. T/K cross confirms
  4. Kumo cloud direction, bullish or bearish confirms
  5. 3 and 1 hr time frame confirm

Check trade same time each day, at 21:00 Eastern time, if trade is up 100 pips or more, set TS of 100 pips.

Exit when TS takes you out, SL takes you out, or trend reverses, (as indicated by new entrance, highly unlikely to occur).

The idea behind this system is that the TS when profit is above 100 pips will lock in profitable trades and create 55-60% profitable trades in the long run. This means that the 5% capital risk will be acceptable and allow for hyper leveraged trades that both result in massive profits and high carry trade profits.

If I am wrong then the draw down on this system will be very high.

If I am right then the profits will be enormous. As an example, I backtested two succesfull trades, EUR/AUD and EUR/NZD shorts when the trends were new, to see what kind of profits occur in best case scenarios.

Result: EUR/NZD trade entered 12/28/09 closed 2 days later for 489 pip profit worth 19.6% profit and EUR/AUD trade entered on 12/29/09 closed a week later for 469 pip profit worth 25.9%.

These are 4:1 and 5:1 risk/reward ratios.

Assuming the Ichimoku, with 6 confirmation signals, gives you an edge in terms of picking the right direction, and the TS locks in profits that are likely to happen, the combination of of massive profits from trades, (almost scalping really) and carry trades worth about 26% annually, will create a very profitable system.

Worth testing? I think so.

Note: there are no valid signals at this moment, but NZD/USD is both a new trend and looks to be promising for tomorrow.

[B]Original system:[/B] no change

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.82%

Open Trades: 21
Win/Loss Record: 12-9
Unrealized Profit: 21.95%

[B]Total Return: -1% in 36 days[/B]= -.03% daily return= [B]-9.7% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] GBP/JPY long

Closed Trades: 16
Win/Loss Record: 9-7
Realized Profit: 2.143%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 7-4
Unrealized Profit: 1.74%

[B]Total Return: 3.846% in 31 days[/B]= .122% daily return= [B]55.9% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 2-0
Realized Profit: 8.105%
Carry Trade profit: .364% (4.49% of realized profit)

Open Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 5-0
Unrealized Profit: 6.58%

[B]Total Return 11.454% in 15 days[/B]= .726% daily return= [B]1,299.6% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System: [/B]GBP/CAD hit SL and went long GBP/JPY

Closed Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 0-5
Realized Profit: -7.6%

Open Trades: 13
Win/Loss Record: 9-4
Unrealized Profit: 6.1%

[B]Total Return: -1.6% in 10 days[/B]= -.161% daily return= [B]-44.5% annualized return[/B]

[B]CTPP system[/B]: No valid entry signals yet, though AUD/USD and NZD/USD longs are just waiting on 3hr confirmation.

[B]Original System:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 0-6
Realized Profit: -18.84%

Open Trades: 21
Win/Loss Record: 11-10
Unrealized Profit: 24.7%

[B]Total Return: 1.14% in 37 days[/B]= .0306% daily return= [B]11.83% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] GBP/CHF short hit SL for -1% loss, EUR/AUD, EUR/CAD and EUR/NZD shorted, USD/CAD had 141 pip TS installed.

Closed Trades: 17
Win/Loss Record: 9-8
Realized Profit: 1.142%

Open Trades: 13
Win/Loss Record: 6-7
Unrealized Profit: .59%

[B]Total Return: 1.707% in 32 days[/B]= .0529% daily return= [B]21.3% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system:[/B] Re-entered EUR/AUD short

Closed Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 2-0
Realized Profit: 8.136%
Carry Trade profit: .396% (4.85% of realized gain)

Open Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 5-1
Unrealized Profit: .4912%

[B]Total Return: 13.208% in 16 days[/B]= .778% daily return= [B]1,594.6% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System: [/B]GBF/CHF short and EUR/JPY long hit SL for -1.4% and -1.5% losses respectively. Re-entered EUR/CAD short.

Closed Trades: 8
Win/Loss Record: 0-8
Realized Profit: -10.4%

Open Trades: 12
Win/Loss Record: 6-6
Unrealized Profit: 6.73%

[B]Total Return: -4.4% in 11 days[/B]= -.41% daily return= [B]-77.53% annualized return[/B]

[B]CTPP system[/B]: EUR/AUD and EUR/NZD shorted, went long NZD/USD and AUD/USD

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 1-3
Unrealized Profit: -1.96%

[B]Total Return: -2% in 1 day[/B]= -2% daily return= -99.94% annualized return

Note: I had assumed that this system would be a hyper leveraged one and would be limited to 5 simultaneous trades. This was based on some selective back testing of new trends that had about 8:1 leverage/trade.

Today’s trades were established trends and had much larger stops because of this, resulting in average leverage of 1.8:1. Thus the maximum number of simultaneous trades will be higher than my initial projections.

However, I new trends from the likes of EUR/JPY long and AUD/CAD, AUD/NZD and NZD/CAD long, when they appear will be new and offer larger leverage oppertunities.

My calculations indicate the maximum safe leverage is 40:1, (5 trades, each one risking 5% capital, 200 pip SL, using 15% of margin/trade + 5% max loss= 20% margin/trade).

With an average carry trade of about 2%, one could theoretically make 80% annualized returns from the carry trade interest payments alone. Of course with actual leverage being much lower, say 20:1 the returns are 40% which assumes a constant leveraged position, but the carry trade potentials are still there.

[B]Original System:[/B] EUR/JPY short was stopped out

Closed Trades: 7
Win/Loss Record: 0-7
Realized Profit: -21.354%

Open Trades: 20
Win/Loss Record: 10-10
Unrealized Profit: 25.5%

[B]Total Return: -1.3% in 38 days = -11.81% annualized Return[/B]

[B]KS system: [/B]NZD/JPY TS hit for small profit, GBP/JPY short hit SL

Closed Trades: 19
Win/Loss Record: 10-9
Realized Profit: .375%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 2-9
Unrealized Profit: -.678%

[B]Total Return: -.303% in 33 days= -3.3% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 2-0
Realized Profit: 8.175%
Carry Trade Profit: .434% (5.31% of realized profit)
Annualized Carry Trade return: 9.32% (calculated as {total carry trade profit/17 days} * 365 days)

Open Trades: 6
Win/Loss Record: 2-4
Unrealized Profit: 1.853%

[B]Total Return: 10% in 17 days= 674% annualized return[/B]

Real Money System: GBP/JPY and CHF/JPY shorts hit Sl went short EUR/GBP

Closed Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 0-10
Realized Profit: -13.3%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 4-7
Unrealized Profit: 4.98%

[B]Total Return: -9% in 12 days= -94.32% annualized return[/B]

note: There is a bittersweet irony to this week, my second trading real money. Last week almost every trade went my way and I finished up 9%. This week almost every trade went against me and I finished -9% exactly.

Just goes to show how volatile the markets can be. Hopefully my system proves resilient and profitable in the long term.

[B]CTPP system: [/B]no changes

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 0-4
Unrealized Profit: -3.985%
Carry Trade Profit: .041%
Annualized Carry Trade Return: 13.14%

[B]Total Return: -3.944% in 2 days= -99.94% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System:[/B] GBP/CHF short was stopped out, EUR/JPY short stopped out

Closed Trades: 9
Win/Loss Record: 0-9
Realized Profit: -23.891%

Open Trades: 18
Win/Loss Record: 12-6
Unrealized Profit: 30.42%

[B]Total Return: -.698% in 41 days= -6.05% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] Yesterday EUR/GBP long, today GBP/JPY long

Closed Trades: 19
Win/Loss Record: 10-9
Realized Profit: .369%

Open Trades: 13
Win/Loss Record: 7-6
Unrealized Profit: .86%

[B]Total Return: 1.214% in 36 days= 13.01% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system: [/B]NZD/JPY hit TS

Closed Trades: 3
Win/Loss Record: 0-3
Realized Profit: 8.938%
Carry Trade Return: .546% (6.11% of realize profit)
Annualized Carry Trade return: 9.96%

Open Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 3-2
Unrealized Profit: 2.35%

[B]Total Return: 11.504% in 20 days= 629.54% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System:[/B] went long GBP/JPY

Closed Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 0-10
Realized Profit: -13.3%

Open Trades: 12
Win/Loss Record: 7-5
Unrealized Profit: 9.63%

[B]Total Return: -4.8% in 15 days= -69.79% annualized return

[B]CTPP system:[/B] no change

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 1-3
Unrealized Profit: -1.922%

Carry Trade Return: .149%
Annualized Carry Trade Return: 8.77%

[B]Total Return: -1.767% in 5 days= -72.79% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original system:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 9
Win/Loss Record: 0-9
Realized Profit: -23.913%

Open Trades: 18
Win/Loss Record: 11-7
Unrealized Profit: 36.47%

[B]Total Return: 4.072% in 42 days= 41.46% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system:[/B] Shorted EUR/USD and went long USD/CHF

Closed Trades: 19
Win/Loss Record: 10-9
Realized Profit: .365%

Open Trades: 15
Win/Loss Record: 7-8
Unrealized Profit: .27%

[B]Total Return: 0.601% in 37 days= 6.09% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system:[/B] no changes

Closed Trades: 3
Win/Loss Record: 3-0
Realized Profit: 8.973%
Carry Trade profit: .581% (6.47% of realized gain)
Annualized Carry Trade return: 10.098%

Open Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 2-3
Unrealized Profit: .4%

[B]Total return: 9.413% in 21 days= 377.59% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System: [/B]Went long USD/CHF and shorted EUR/USD

Closed Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 0-10
Realized Profit: -13.3%

Open Trades: 8-6
Unrealized Profit: 8.65%

[B]Total Return: -5.7% in 16 days= -73.79% annualized return[/B]

[B]CTPP system:[/B] EUR/NZD short hit TS and was re-entered the same day, EUR/AUD short had 100 pip TS set

Closed Trades: 1
Win/Loss record: 1-0
Realized Profit: .939%
Carry Trade Profit: .186% (19.8% of realized profit)
Annualized Carry Trade: 11.1315%

Open Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 1-3
Unrealized Profit: -5.35%

[B]Total Return: -4.523% in 6 days= -94.01% annualized return[/B]

[B]Original System:[/B] AUD/USD long hit Sl

Closed Trades: 10
Win/Loss Record: 0-10
Realized Profit: -26.378%

Open Trades: 17
Win/Loss Record: 10-7
Unrealized Profit: 40.81%

[B]Total Return: 3.622% in 43 days= 35.26% annualized return[/B]

[B]KS system: [/B]USD/CAD short and EUR/CAd short hit TS, AUD/NZD long and NZD/USD long hit SL, went long GBP/CHF. 123.6 pip TS placed on EUR/USD short

Closed Trades: 23
Win/Loss Record: 12-11
Realized Profit: -2.182%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 7-4
Unrealized Profit: 3.34%

[B]Total Return: 1.06% in 38 days= 10.66% annualized return[/B]

[B]CT system: [/B]NZD/USD long hit SL and EUR/NZD hit TS

Closed Trades: 5
Win/Loss Record: 4-1
Realized Profit: 8.199%
Carry Trade Profit: .612% (7.46% of realized profit)
Annualized Carry Trade Return: 10.15%

Open Trades: 3
Win/Loss Record: 1-2
Unrealized Profit: -.96%

[B]Total Return: 7.127% in 22 days= 213.12% annualized return[/B]

[B]Real Money System: [/B]NZD/USD long, CAD/JPY and USD/CAD hit SL, went long GBP/CHF

Closed Trades: 13
Win/loss Record: 0-13
Realized Profit: -18.8%

Open Trades: 11
Win/Loss Record: 8-3
Unrealized Profit: 15.29%

[B]Total Return: -6.4% in 17 days= -75.83% annualized return[/B]

[B]CTPP system:[/B] NZD/USD long hit SL, EUR/AUD and EUR/NZD hit TS

Closed Trades: 4
Win/Loss Record: 3-1
Realized Profit: -3.726%

Open Trades: 2
Win/Loss Record: 0-2
Unrealized Profit: -4.9%

[B]Total Return: -8.432% in 7 days= -98.99% annualized return[/B]