I'm done with forex!

with my rather limited ability to use anglo saxon english or the americanized version, i have deduced that using the word pu$$y is meant to be a derogotory statement in reference to a persons “manhood”, and aware of the diversity of opinions, language and meanings imparted throughout these united states, understand that it can mean different things in different regional areas.

that being so, I find WOMEN traders to be some of the best I have found, once they pass the encultered “wall” that exists between what is “manly” and what is “womanly”, which of course VARIES considering where you may live and the region of the country you may live in.

Here in the northeast, woman are considered people also, while hunting dogs, harleys and miscellaneous weapons of mass destruction come in a distant second ---- strangely enough, i have known a number of “pu$$ys” who support the family, raise the children, work AND trade, with a number who do all of the above through TRADING completely.

Therefore, once again stating my inconsiderable experience with (for want of a better name) “rednecks”, I wonder WHY the use of that term should be considered a negative as i can find a number of “pu$$ys” who can trade the pants off of any guy in the world !

I shall go forward in my quest for information and while I certainly LOVE the “predictability” of forex and am aware of how one can get “caught” on the wrong side of options, i would rather a good “pu$$y” trade alongside me then all the newbs I have to teach how to simply read a moving average, and feel that THEIR moving average is the ONLY moving average in a WORLD of moving averages !

whatever the OP wishes to do is up to them and there is NO need for any of us to DEFEND forex by calling HIM a HER !

enjoy and trade well


