Im learning Forex at BabyPips what Course Number should I start practicing my trade?

My advise would be to finish the course before trying to trade.

The baby pips course is teaching all the bare basics you need to start practicing trading and if you move away from the course before the end you will miss out on essential learning. The lessons don’t stop until the course is finished.

When you finish the course you should trying trading a demo account using your newly learnt basic knowledge, whilst you do this you can move on to more advanced training materials.

Agree. September has started and, in spite of my underconfidence and according to my plan, I have started again (of course, following my rules). I’m quite satisfied. I definitevely think that trading (if you do it properly) can help you become a better person as it helps you find your emotional flaws and solve them.
Happy trading to all of you! :slightly_smiling_face: