I'm looking for Forex Technical Analysis(TA) application/software that can help me in price action trading?


I’m looking for a Forex Technical Analysis(TA) application/software that help me in price action trading? I’m looking for any good application/software that can read the market price action in defined Forex instrument/Pair. So I can have a better sight to market. Give me any trading idea or alarm in pre-defined pairs that I selected to trade. Can detect pattern/breakout/reversal/,… and can give me possible forecast of behavior. I’m sure with retail forex history from ~1990, there should be lots for application/software that can help me price action trading. I’m looking for any idea? website name? application/software name? how to look for this application? where to search? how to approach? how to select best one? how to get data/price feeds(if possible for free and from MT4 or any other trading platform for free)?

Any idea?

Thnx :kissing_heart:

When you find it let the rest of us know.

Personally I would question your commitment to this game and whether its right for you.

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