In the end no one wins except the brokers

Huh? what does it have with religion? I’m not a religious man but i usually get how religion works, yet i cant get this one.

I would agree if the winners in Crypto trading (its decentralized) were more than forex traders, but you can check that in different articles, actually people lose more in trading crypto than in trading forex.

I doubt this too, coz I have thrown everything at gold, even golden strategies, yet that commodity is manipulative. But stocks and currency pairs is the way to go.

Good story, interesting, because decades ago my father did the same with a part of his income i.e. put it in a Swiss bank and staying in contact with a banker. I never like to speak about nominal amounts as the “high” and “low” is different for each people. $22K is now the price of a new small car (in Euope). An average Austrian has to work 8-9 months for it, a Greek needs 1 year at least and a Hungarian2 years. Significant big differences.

That’s why I talk and think rather in ratios i.e. percentages than amounts. The leverage is just a little help, but not a nostrum. I agree with the safe 1:1 handling of most part of savings. A leveraged (margin)account should be separated and not more than you feel “too much”. (If I had 300K total equity, shares, bonds, funds etc. in the bank, safely handled, running w low risk/low profit - I would risk only 30K on a separate account. A leveraged position must not be planned so that it makes more than 0.8-1.6% loss and the win must be at least 1.5% or more. 2-2.5% is a good intraday trade. People lose when using 50K position sizes w 5K account size. Depending on the definite instrument and market situation, 1.5 - 4 x should be enough for profit and good for safety.
If somebody is an experienced trader he can play with this 30K with 2% weekly target, while 270K is remaining in the safe portfolio. This is just my approach and others may see this matter other way. In this example 270K makes let’s say 6-15% yearly and the 30K (depending on the trader), 40-100%
I have talked about robots as existing solutions, but I don’t have any experience w them. What a feeling is to trade with such an algorithm?

Kadhiem, I have explained the math, how people can live this way. 2.5% profit every week. Sometimes a bad week 1.5% loss. These are averages, results of great numbers.

absolutely everything

the other names for swap-fee-free accounts are “Muslim forex accounts” and “Islamic forex accounts”

half a minute using Google will easily clarify the whole thing for you :slight_smile:

i wouldn’t think so, no - men aren’t often called Ophelia, i think

Disagree! I know five friends who make a living by trading spot forex, and one of them even trades cryptocurrencies.

Oh, you mean like this crypto trade?

Context for iPhone trade image

i approve that ,trading without swap and leverage ,these will increase your winning chance significantly.