
hello again i knowi posted something earlier about scalping, and i got some really really good advice from the guys, but i now i jus need hand on info abut indicator!!! can some explain them to me please ???


Indicator’s are a broad subject… Have you gone through the Babypip’s school yet? Most everything you need to know is in there. :slight_smile:

ohhh ok yee will read it up

cheers :wink:

What you might try after reading the Babypips School info is Google the indicator you are thinking about. you will gets loads of information to sort through, and sort you will have to do. There are some great sites with info, but there’s also a load of BS. The video results to a Google search are very good also. I have learned alot watching video clips from different websites.

Yes, i would agree… know your indicator, but also know that they are not “golden”… I would also recommend that you know more about when they are wrong, then when they are right… and what i mean is…

How does this indicator fail? When does this indicator go wrong?

Personally myself I don’t use indicators… and i’ve been doing this for years now, so that would tell me that indicators don’t make you profitable…

Ones next question might be, “What does make someone profitable?”

Here me now, … Its not the “System” you use. Its your underlying risk management. Being good at lossing, taking small losses, and letting profits run is whats going to get you to that next level.

Just my theory, feel free to disagree… but I’d like to keep my losses small…

definantly mate ill try google. cheerssssssssss:D

I definitely agree with this. Every time I’ve relied on a indicator they’ve let me know or maybe I just didn’t know how to use them. Now, I’m just using pivots and watching price and having tons of success.

I agree being profitable depends on money/risk management.

do you know what mate, i duno what im doing.

basically im buying at low prices and selling them at high prices wether its on a few minuted hours or days, im trading in CFD’s thats all, and ive made $17.259 in 2 days, so i just dont know wether im using indicators or not, but i might just keep going how i am and see how it goes ‘’ FREESTYLE’’ yes yes.

You might be better off doing price action trading (no indicators).

There are threads to that effect on this forum!! :slight_smile:

What’s CFDs?

how do you know when it’s low enough to buy and how do you know when it’s high enough to sell ?

coz mate wen you study the fluctuation going up and down you can work out a average, based on that when the prices fall dramaticly ill buy in bulks, and maybe in a few hours or days the prices will hit the average or go further, well thats what i do and its made me $17.259 in 3 days. :wink:

You have to work out the math… if the math works, then thats a start…

If your risk to reward is not around 1:2 (meaning your going to risk 1 pip with the potential to gain 2) so, 1:2-1:5 …

If your risking 10 pips and you dont have the potential to make 20, then over time you will lose. Thats because your win% will never be high enough to keep you alive.

The second is leverage. If you are using more the 1:5 in leverage, you will fail.

Leverage = Account Size / Contract size

$1,000 account with 1 micro lot in play is 1:1 … 2 micros would be 1:2…

If the math works you are likely to succeed more then others… I bet though at least 75% of you are not watching for this… but you need too…

You can win for 3 days, you can win for 3 months… but over a professional traders like, chances are by scalping you wont make it…

I’m really just trying to help…does it?

hello mate,

really appriciate the advice but honestly iv just started 3 days ago and ive jus gettin to term with the words and meaning like sclaping an pip spread etc, but ill keep it in mind and when im gettin use to these term i can only thanks you guy who have helped me