Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I agree with you regarding have a “fear and respect” to the Market…

I want to add that also pay more attention on your psychological side meaning you have to strengthen up your mind and your emotions. When the money is on the line, you will get very emotional so you have to ease some it if possible (like don’t trade any money that supposed to be to pay your bills, mortgage, retirement savings,etc.). Money for trading should be separate from your daily expenses.

No matter how good your set-up is, no matter how your chart looks good and telling you that it is time to buy/sell, you can’t get it right when your mind is not clear. A clear mind will help you find a good trades NOT a confuse mind, cloudy mind, undecided mind, etc.

Don’t neglect your psychological aspect in trading because this is more focus towards on YOU.

Besides, YOU are the one who can click on the mouse and place on a trade NOT your tools.


first you will see a reversal on the 15min, then the 1 hr, then 4hr, etc. The higher the timeframe signal you wait for, the safer the trade will be. When I was having a rough time, I waited for the 4 hr MF to change, then I felt comfortable in a position. I would suggest to work on the 4 hr TF before working off the 1 hr and 15 min for your entry signals. Trying to pick the tops and bottoms will burn you nearly every time. You should also be watching bonds and equities for signs of a reversal. This next one could be a big one, so multiple signs should point the way. The equities market still has some upside potential before there is a crack in that market.

I just discovered this Wolfe wave trading | Forex Indicators Guide

I know theirs no substitute for manually identifying the count,but seeing as you know what to look for :slight_smile:
could you check these indi’s out and let us know if they can help us learn.

Has anybody who’s using the COT spreadsheet managed to update the calendar for 2013?

COT spreadsheet??

The Indicators are using ZigZag to identify waves. I compared charts to what I have for set ups as of now and none of the indicators match any of the set ups. Quote from the website with the indicators “As practice shows, all these Wolfe wave indicators aren’t perfect, but can certainly be of some help, while manual trading remains the best option still.” Personally, I don’t see any learning value in the indicators. When I started with the Wolfe Wave research, I was led to wedges, this is the pattern traded. Do a search for rising wedges. Most web sites will show the pattern picture. Look for a wolfe wave in these patterns, once you see it, head to the charts. It takes time, and a headache, but it is worth it.

Thanks for the advice…i’ve been doing some digging found bill wolfe’s pdf…im not sure im allowed to share in a public forum

Here is how I look for ww set ups

What’s stopping volume?

Found one!

the problem is, the real chart setups are not as picture perfect as the diagrams, so needs more staring to spot 'em :33:

I’m curious guys if some one have spotted a failed WW setup so far?

Would this count as a possible WW formation setting up on the EURUSD, or doesn’t it count when price has already been above the 1-3 trendline…?
I know that the 5 point might go higher this week, but still?

I went long only because I could see that ‘they’ were gunning for 3380 - it was a bit like hopping onto a moving train, I am way more proud of having entered short on Tue, after filling a notepad of reasons to do so and then exiting on Wed when the ICT concepts said ‘get out of there’.

It was only 30 pips but it felt like 300.

Back to what Esser was saying about picking reversals - this is the thing I’m trying to focus on most - learning to anticipate reversals and unlearning how to pick them.

I have noticed ICT saying many times how he anticipated or expected certain market action - but he never would trade on this expectation only - he would always look for confluences or set ups that agree with his expectation, he says in a recent video that for LO if no set up happens to agree with his anticipated action then it’s back to bed for him.

In trying to excorcise my bad habits I encountered the ‘Monte Carlo Fallacy’ - the fallacy that if price has gone up so far then it MUST fall.
ICT teaches that there is a ‘them and us’ in the market, now I can understand how bull flags form. they get us newbies to go short after a push up (gambler’s fallacy) hold price for the ‘pause’ as in the MM profile, and then bang.

It’s a spreadsheet that allows you to directly input the COT data as a .csv from CFTC.

I would count it like this,

That looks better than my setup! :slight_smile: Thank you for that!

I wasn’t even focused on the Fiber, thanks. Fiber just became a plan.

does this look about right? The levels line up with my previous analysis, if the WW is correct

Soooo… Has ICT posted his myfxbook yet? checks calender yuuup it’s January…

At first, I was hung up on the WW having an apex due to its predictive Time of Arrival.
After studying the charts this weekend, I noticed that the WW pattern will unfold just as well on channels and are very easy to spot.

Rising channel/falling channel (Flag-continuation) patterns have a high probability of meeting a target based on the fact that a flag is most likely a continuation pattern for a previous trending wave(not a Wolfe Wave) and will normally duplicate the range of the previous wave measured from the previous high to low added to the channel high or low, in this case I can pin it to WW5.
In this example look at the extreme high to low all the way on the left, that would be the measured wave to add to WW5.

If WW target and plotted measured move come together as a swing low on this test, symmetry will take on a whole new meaning on a higher level.
I can see positive results in the past, now I want to watch them actually unfold live to make sure I got it.

I have 8 WW tests running right now, some long term, some short term. I will post the winners and failures.
NOTE: I am only testing as I am also still learning to spot these set ups.