Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Yep - on the daily 2750 is important, the concept of large range, then small range, then large is applicable in my thinking, maybe around that 2750 - I suppose many are looking for bounces 2750 -2680

We have US10yr climbing from 13.00 to 16.00 - at the same time USDX falling - have seen this happen in thin markets before - makes me dubious of the fibre rally today - letā€™s see tomorrow morning LO.

Yep, nice USDX divergence too, lower lows on the USDX between the 26th March and 1st April, lower highs between these dates on the Fiberā€¦

what happened back then? did usdx catch up with the bonds?

I think its fair to say short term bias for euro is now up. Will probably want to make up for the lower high later on since the USDX made a lower low (play catch up). Iā€™m hoping for it to head down to around 1.2820 around there before it continues its leg up.

where do you guys see your AR low today? (my AR indicator is once again showing me different levels on H1 and M15)
would be great to know the level, when price is retesting the low;)

cheers and have a good week yā€™all

For me, AR low coming in at 1.2847 (01:00 candle on 15M TF)

thanks a lot!

Yep - fibre usually reverses the dubious rally - bonds often were the ā€˜correctā€™ move and will not reverse next morning.

BTW I doā€™nt be greedy on the move - I look for 30 pips - all in/out - then everything back to normal, I see it has happened this morning, Iā€™m already out now.

Good work!

Small portion left on here, lots of support around those old lows @ 1.2830ā€¦ (the ā€œpauseā€ perhaps :))

Iā€™ve been using Bonds a lot more these days (one of the things I wanted to improve on). They are beyond useful, and will be used in all of my analysis from now on.

Yes, the usdx had a little nudge at 8290, itā€™s backing off a little - itā€™ll have another go at it shortly.

Yes, while its important to look at old highs when weā€™re running up (for profit taking), old lows are equally important.

USDX now having another look at 8290 - one long intake of breath and up??

Lets hope so, what else do you see?

Fiber AR low providing (resistance) yet another potential opportunity to get in sync :slight_smile:

Lets see how it goesā€¦

40 pips Cable, 40pips Fiber and 10 points on NASDAQ lol

I see usd strength - usd/jpy pin bar daily, on the rise today, usdx took that long breath - now eying 8302 - weā€™ll have to wait and see.

Some div now on us10yr - making lower lows - will be watching this closely to see if it continues, or if itā€™s just a blip.

Yes, noticed that, perhaps gearing up for a push above 13227 on the 10yr, otherwise we may end up at 13200 for the next level of supportā€¦

Yep - what I like about the bond div is that it is an early warning of a shift - see how things changed after the divergence, so if I was thinking of re-entering short (I was) then the div warns me to hold up (it did)