Hi all!!! I am new to this all and am so grateful I learned about this at such a young age…though I wish I learned even sooner. I am a true believer in embracing life and learning. One of my main goals in life is to become intuned with the universe so that I may fulfill what God has instore for me. Weird speaking like this on a trading platform but I am truly fascinated by learning and I want to master trading. I pray it helps me to achieve a lot in this lifetime so that I can leave am imprint, legacy and give back to not only my family but others as well.
I work hard but I am learning to work SMART. I am an academic person who has had lots of education. I am hoping that all of that education has not been in vain because I owe lots of education loan debt and want to be free and truely enjoy life. I feel resentful that in America education is a capitalistic weapon. Let me not ramble on about that…but I hope to learn how to reclaim my freedom with this platform. I am staying positive and optomistic. 11:11