Introducing myself!

Hey there! I’m Samuel from Nigeria [you can call me geniee though]. I learnt quite a bit about forex from a webinar I attended and it’s great knowing you can have another means of income apart from your job(financial security and all). So, to get more knowledge on forex, I’m here now! Hope to learn quite a lot here {I’d even start all over from the rudiments and digest all your resources}

PS: Thank you guys for offering all this material for free!!! You guys are great!

Forex trading is speculative at best. It doesn’t provide another source of income, ever. No guarantees, ever. That’s the harsh reality.

But you can learn how to trade properly, but that could take months, even years. If you’re prepared for hard work and difficult times, press the green education button above and start your journey.

Best of luck.

Welcome to this forum buddy! Hope you will learn from here and put your insights into this forum. Just want to suggest that you don’t copy and trade. To be confident, do demo trading for a few days and then enter the live market. This will help you to understand better. Good luck!

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Thanks a lot for the warm welcome and for the advice!! I’ve actually been on demo for about 4 months now😅(too paranoid to go live). Notwithstanding, I’ll still test out my strategies plus the ones I’ll be learning from here. Thanks once again💪

Oh… I didn’t know I couldn’t be consistently profitable​:man_shrugging:t4::joy:… I get that FX trading is speculative, but I feel with proper risk management and nice analytical strategies with about 60- 70% win rate, you’d have another means of income​:sweat_smile:…
I’m ready for hard work though… And I know there’s gonna be a lotta losses😥… Thanks for being honest and pragmatic about this. I really appreciate it!

Better to state profits in % terms. Win rates only matter providing your % ratio between buying and selling are within 4%. That would be evidence of an extremely good strategy… In the last 31 weeks my buying win ratio is 51% and selling win ratio is 54%.

And 3% profit per month every month would be an exceptionally good return. Pro traders, in the main, would relish a 36% return every year, when index linked funds lag at around 12% per annum.

That’s the reality, not a ■■■■■■■■ YouTube scenario.

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Youtube scenario :joy:. That cracked me up! Thanks a lot for the expert advice sir!