Introduction: Eager to Learn

Hey All. Excited to be here to learn and share as I make me some money

I know we all come to make money but the reality is few of us do. So try and put that down your list of priorities and focus on learning how to trade. Money complicates the learning process.

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Wrong mindset. You’re setting yourself up for failure at the first hurdle in the expectation you will make some money as stated above by cashisking86. The most likely outcome will be you’ll lose money, as does every FX trader on the planet.

It’s how you manage your losses that will make or break you. The reality, not social media marketing hype.

Hi! I’m wishing you luck out there!

Welcome welcome! :blush: Have you started with the school here? :smiley: There are a lot of free resources you can use to really know more about forex, so I wish you all the best! :blush:

Hey. Welcome to the community. Keep up with the spirits. Learn and grow. Best of luck !

Hi and welcome.
The best way to make money is first been able to make successful trades.
Learn all yiu can here and practice on demo before going live