Introduction Lucia

hi i am lucia a newbie eager to learn and share my learnings and doubts with you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Lucia and welcome to the forum. Tell us more about your journey and why you ended up here on BabyPips. Tell us what you want to learn and why? :slight_smile:

Hi thanks for your reply and sorry for my late answer: I am interested about the secondary/derivative markets, with a focus on crypto because I think will be the future for payments and finance as well.

Welcome (back). I have to admit that I wholly agree with you. Back in May, I knew nothing about Crypto. I agreed with my wife to allocate 1% of our wealth to that opportunity. By September, we had agreed to raise that to 3%. It has really helped my recent perspective on the reasons I still spend a lot of time learning about trading. This past year has given me a rare insight into an area of psychology I could never properly understand about my own approach to investment. And that is I am more comfortable with a timeframe as long as one to ten years, than I am with any other timeframe. Whilst we have been at this game for over 30 years, it has dawned on me that the most significant contributors to our long term financial stability has been those things that we decided to do 30 years ago, and still continue. Trading, on the other hand, is something that we never went “all in” doing. And on that subject, I have now realised that my past reasons for trading may have been entirely egotistical. I think I am on record for answering the question “why do you trade”? with “because I can”. This slow realisation now we are in the autumn of our investing lives is that trading is best viewed as a hobby in support of marginal improvement to our longer term investment goals. It’s a strong feeling of self confidence after four decades of adult life.

You are much younger than I, and I encourage you to pursue your gut. What’s the worst that can happen. I listen a lot to Raoul Pal (about Crypto), Michael Salin (about how to think in a 100 year timeframe for intergenerational inspiration), Mike Maloney (about the eventual fall to zero of every currency system that has ever been applied to society since the beginning of civilisation) and Warren Buffet about relative value. The type of patience required to make use of those decade long trends is extreme. And I thought that was directly in opposition to a trading mentality. I am now slowly realising that it is all about risk / reward ratio. With crypto, I have already had three experiences of prices (relative to USD) doubling within three months, and have accepted - with real money - a potential fall of 90% of any holding. In my humble opinion (even casting aside the obvious hype around the asset class) that crypto has a risk/reward potential of nothing else I have experienced, ever. I would not be surprised if crypto becomes 90% of our assets, and that will not be because we would have committed any more than 10% of net worth. Half way through the first year of a five year cycle with Crypto, the initial results way outstrip the plan. Now I just have to get my head around how to leverage my trading knowledge to augment the underlying “HODL” strategy that will constitute 80% of our affair with all things Crypto. Best of luck with it.