Introduction to Forex

Good afternoon house,

My name is Samuel from Nigeria. I’m new to the Forex world but I’ve been learning from the website. I want to open a Demo account and i need a suggestion on the brokers i can try out.

Try Oanda, it’s pretty common broker and it also can be used with Metatrader

As a newbie; you should start with BabyPips School; you’ll get proper guideline here! Besides, use the broker section part of this forum! But, don’t select your broker by others recommendation!

Hi there,
I use OspreyFX’s demo. Its an unlimited account. You can give it a try.

It’s a very useful feature; limited demo trading service is meaningless; since learning is a long term procedure here!

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Check the Broker section here, you’ll find plenty of useful information there.

Same opinion from me! That section is much relevant!

Exactly, thats why I am using it.

Nice; & that’s the beauty of this community! All in one.

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Babypips does have a great community - well-meaning, intelligent and helpful, I certainly appreciate it.

if you already school level of baby pips , of course this is the right time to bring demo account. just keep cool when trading and dont be emotional at all. good luck

feel free to ask any question you need to know , its a very friendly community from all. good luck

True that!

Since it’s a demo account it’s really doesn’t make any difference about which broker you would use for learning, you need to understand basics. It’s also should be unlimited for usre and as well it should really be somewhat close to reality. Don’t be so happy if you win on demo.