Introduction Yourself

Hi, My Name is James Anderson and I am from USA, New York City, I’m working as a professional trader and a technical analyst from more than 5 years.

And Baby pips community is possibly one of the best and helpful trading community on internet. I thanks for those who made this site.


Hello @JAnderson! :smiley: Haha. Welcome to the community! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Yay! I’m excited to learn about your experiences as a professional trader. :stuck_out_tongue: Also, I guess we could agree right away. :stuck_out_tongue: I also think Babypips has a lot of very helpful members! :smiley:

samir from india…

yes welcome.but i believe only in live performance not in past performance.

Samir the spammer going by your other posts so far!
(For the benefit of anyone just reading this, his other 6 or 7 posts have all been removed)