
Hi my name is David. I am from Melbourne Australia. I work as a contract web developer at the moment I am working for one of Australia’s so called big 4 banks.

I stumbled across forex trading and opened an account with a company called Plus500. This was about a year ago. I started very small with $2K AUD in my account. I had no idea what I was doing but managed to turn that $2K into $10K in a couple of months. I rode the AUD/USD down trend which was so steady I almost lost no trades and I didn’t really use stop / losses.

Around xmas I tried to withdraw money from Plus500 and encountered a lot of resistance and very little co-operation. At one stage they closed down my account when I sent an email of not being happy with their reluctance to let me draw down on my account. I absolutely crapped myself and thought I had been scammed but I eventually withdrew some of the money but they had lost my trust.

I lost 3K in one night when I got a bit funky. I was behind on a AUD/USD short trade and planned to get it all back plus some more on non-farm payroll news. It was good news for US, employment was up and I expected the AUD/USD pair to fall and I would get back even at least. All my eggs in that basket was disastrous as despite the news the AUD shot up and I got margin called.

Since then I have opened an account with FXCM and got used to the Trade Station platform. I have steadily lost money. I have read and done a lot of the tutorials on this and other sites and have enough knowledge now to realise how hard this caper is and have slowly come around to the need to trade properly as advised with stop/losses, account management and the need for a plan and or strategy.

So that is why I am here. I am looking for a plan strategy that makes sense to me. I have pretty much been doing day trading/scalping but have also come to the conclusion that is not for me and am probably looking at longer term now.

At the moment I am not trying to make a career out of this just a bit of extra cash would be nice. An extra grand or 2 a month would be nice.

Being a software developer I am interested in algorithmic trading and have looked at a few different things. I got frustrated using MT4 as the language is similar but lots of differences to what I use. I develop in C#. I have looked at a open source platform called Quant connect and also down loaded the FXCM API and had a tinker.

So looking to hear from anyone who has been successful after maybe starting out like I have (a bit disastrously) or any fellow developers who are trading using any platform using C# and what kind of robots have been successful and how they have come about coding them or getting the ideas for robots from.


Interesting story, you should know that the market isn’t against you. It’s there to revel who you truly are and how well you know yourself. Welcome!

Thanks Ari. I look forward to the market building my character (and making me some money) :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your experience… Good one!!

I just opened an account with MaxFx… will share my experience with them soon…

Hi David, welcome to our forex community and thanks for sharing your story. It’s great that you already have a background in coding and that you’re looking to create your own EA. Just take time to develop your strategy, make sure you’re comfortable with it and it’s profitable, and try back testing and forward testing. Best of luck and see you around!

Thanks for sharing. Out of interest - why were they so reluctant to return your money? Is that because Plus500 is suspect or whats up there?