My question is since I’ve been trading off and on for about 3-5 years no one told me about introductory brokers and what the deal is with them. NO ONE… I think someoned tried to tell me once on the forum chat here, but everyone blew him off like the person was crazy or nuts or something, plus the site he listed was all in arabic so we all were like bah go away.

But after years of trading, I just recently stumbled upon this site for getting pips back for completing transactions.

Granted you have to typically (depending on your broker they support) go and open a new account and get registerd through the introductory broker first then all of your trades count toward kickbacks.


This is the website I use for getting my kickbacks, there are other introductory brokerages out there as well, but I just started with this site so I’m sticking to it mainly.

I am only posting this because I personally was unaware of the ability to get kickbacks (pips/return on every trade I make regardless if I win or lose the transaction profit/loss) and think more people should be aware of it or at least see a topic about how they work since everything I have seen always skips around this subject somewhere when there are lessons about everything else.

Tell me pawadon would you like to learn and know how to get cash back regardless if your trade was a huge success or complete failure?

If you would like to learn and know how to get cash back regardless if your trade was a huge success or a complete failure please comment below saying you want to know more. Otherwise I do think others may view it as spam, because no one has posted anything about these before and I am unaware exactly where or how to post this on this site without raising issues or concerns.

Moderators- If you know where this post can be moved without being viewed as spam, or undesired posting please move it there as I have yet to see any type of post in the massive posts you have listed. Perhaps I have not looked deeply enough, but if that is the case, please message me where I can find a message like this listed.

And why aren’t these type of subjects listed on like one of your main front pages? Do you not want traders to know they can get cash back on their trades or something?

You’re right, there aren’t any really informative threads about IBs and cashback programs on BabyPips.

I don’t know why, but I suspect that most people don’t really find it worthwhile: the amounts you receive back aren’t exactly huge, so they take some adding up before appearing to be worthwhile.

Another point might be that, if you use cashback, of course the IB will get a share, too (otherwise why should he bother setting up the system, right?); this means that, from the amount the IB receives, he can calculate your monthly trading volume … something not everybody might be comfortable with.

Regarding the last two paragraphs of your post: I’d have placed this thread in the ‘Forextown’ section, where general forex-related discussions can be found.
Surely Mods have not removed similar threads, unless somebody overdid the soliciting part.


Thanks for the reply,

I am overly concerned about being considered spam but I find it really hard to believe this has never been posted on websites like these. I personally scalp when I trade… at least what I consider to be scalping. So when I trade its around 10-20 or more transactions in one day which if you do mass volume in one day that could equate to $$$$ in the very end of the week/day. I know not everyone trades like me, but I think it is worthwhile to consider knowing the ability is out there.

I know for me personally, I need to be patient, accepting, and other things of that nature when I do my scalping otherwise I may end up doing maybe 1-4 trades in a 4 hour time-period from not wanting to accept a loss on a trade.

But I am thinking… if I was able to trade with an offshores account, I may be able to generate like 2-5 times the amount I am making from each transaction right now. Which to me is a big deal since that means if I trade consistently in a short time-period I can make in one month the amount of cash I am presently earning at my job now at the end of the year.

Please note, Introductory brokers do not charge anything additional to your spread costs or anything. They only get funds from the volume that you trade, and from the funds they receive they give a portion to you. It really sounds like its too good to be true. But just consider this. The hardest part you have to do is trade. If you can trade you can earn funds.

Besides you have to have funds to trade, (not that easy huh?) if you lose all your funds in one trade, then stop and regroup and find out what you did wrong.

It may help that if you keep messing up on trades to receive a small portion back per trade, I’m just saying.

so wait I dont think I understand they give you money for each lot you trade?
(eg. tofor 10 days in a month I open one trade of 1 lot size and the rate for fxpro is 4$ Per lot, so then at the end of the month i’d get an 40$ check?)

Nah, that’s not spamming.
In my opinion, you have just addressed another valid method to make money trading forex, albeit small amounts only … but cash is cash, no matter how much or little.
And posting a link to the site is ok, too, in the course of discussing its merits.

Sure, it’s useful for everybody, winning or losing … extra money is welcome to every trader, I guess.


Yep, that’s exactly how it works, no matter whether you’ve gained or lost from your trades.
It’s a nice way to make some extra $$$ every month.


thats pretty cool, I checked the list and the broker i’m switching to soon is listed on there so I think I’ll give it a try. It would be nice getting a little bit more , though its not too much its easy money, and i’m not one to complain for a bit of a profit boost. it could even come out to being the value of half of a bad trade every month or so.

Yep, or it’ll pay for your ISP / VPS … or just some pizza.
