Is anybody in here making money?

I would like to know , do you guys make any money trading forex?
If yes, how much ? like 10% per year ?

Thx for many answers


Hellooo! :blush: I think a good number of people here trade full-time so they likely earn more than I do. :sweat_smile: But for me last year, as a part-time trader, I got like 5% of my account balance on a good month. :sweat_smile:


Hello, thx for your answer.
5% that sounds like a lot for a part-time trader. Lets say your average is 2.5% per month thats 35% per year! Congrats.

5% is considered really good. Most trading companies would definitely want you on board as a in-house trader if this ROI is sustained, well done Rose! :smiling_face:

Personally I managed to squeeze out a 10% return once in an extremely lucky month, but I burnt out to the 24/7 mental pressure of constant trading and monitoring of charts. I also neglected my full time job and didn’t perform well.

IMO, a 2.5% monthly is a more sustainable ROI to look at, as some trading companies I know offer 1% monthly interest to their clients, so a 1:2.5 ratio is attractive enough if you want to build your portfolio up.

That said, have an amazing 2025 ahead!



I’ve got a journal here that you can have a look at.

That’s my 2024 year end stats. Profitable. Life changing money… :rofl: no.

And then this topic is really good too. Traded this for like a year. Really helped me get to where I am now.


Thx for your input StartGoldTrading.
Would you mind telling me how much you make on average per month/per year?
Im really curious how much you can realistically make on forex.

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Hi samewise, I will definitely take a look at your journal.

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I’m earning money through trading but it returns truly depends upon the strategy and market conditions. What bout you?

I previously made around 500 to 1,000 each month on a 10,000 account, doing it on a part time basis while working on a full time job. There were around 3 months in 2024 where I ended up with losses, and about 3 months where I break even. Pretty realistic :smiling_face:

Hi, Im not making any money with trading yet. Im just a noob asking dumb questions :smiley:


Thx for the info.


Kind of similar, here: over the 12 months of 2024, I actually averaged out at almost dead-on 4% per month.

I know that sounds pretty good (and I’m certainly not ashamed of it!) but to be honest it’s not nearly as good as it sounds, because of the variability.

The “4% average” sounds great, but the hidden truth is that my worst month of the year was where I lost 6% in a month. Which makes it really difficult to grow the bank, increase the position-sizes and so on. Would be just my luck to have two or three good months in a row, increase my position size because the account has grown and then suddenly lose 6%. Or 8%. Or 10%, or whatever, and suddenly wipe out with bigger sizing all the plus months with smaller sizing, and be a loser. So progress is really, really hard, even when you’re making “4% average per month”.

It’s easy for big funds with plenty of capital, who don’t have to worry about that! :neutral_face:


I’m not so sure about that. In some ways I think it might be worse for them than for us, and they don’t have the leverage available that we can use, either.

But you’re doing extremely well, certainly. I think your 4% average per month sounds very good because it IS very good.


Experienced algotraders make 10-30% per month. This is a great return, but there are also difficult times when algorithms fail.

It isn’t, unfortunately.

Partly because they don’t have 1:30 leverage available, like you do.

They do, unfortunately. Often all the more so.

This belief (or should I say “claim”?) is unique to programmers trying to make a living by selling EAs to people in trading forums.


This is my experience. And the experience of my colleagues. Yes, I know that there are a lot of programmers who don’t know how to trade. It so happened that I have been a trader and programmer for more than 15 years.

Hi @Mato85,

I depends on your strategy and mentality. Bigger the fund, more conservative it will be.
Above 10k, I will start to be more conservative. 8-10% each month is the limit.

When I start with 1-2k, I can trade with higher risk. 10-25% each month is viable.

When we trade with 500 USD, we can earn 80%-200% / month. But the risk is also big, being stopped Out :rofl: . The method is very aggressive, need to have good self-restrain.

There are many ways to gain from market. It’s not only relate to trading. You can participate in the business, trading or services. You need to pick which part fit you base on your resources and abilities.

Can everyone have the same result? The answer is all of us can. The real question is how strong we can endure the hardship to learn trading. We can’t only look others success, without putting effort to ourselves.

If you ask me, what kind of suffering I had during my early day? I can’t tell you all of them, but look at what I am having now. Money and Freedom? On certain level yes. But don’t forget the bonus bellow:

Anxiety Disorder, Gerd, Frozen Shoulder, Stiff Neck, HNP, Sleeping Disorder and many more … :thinking:

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Even if you lose 10%, 5%, 2% in first 3 three months you can still make 49% total with 4% average


BS :smiley:


If you lose 10% in the first month, then another 5% in the second month, are you going to keep your position-size the same, or reduce it accordingly?

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