Some say that forex is more unpredictable than stocks that’s why it is a real gamble when you do forex trading. Is there a way to predict if you would do good in that just like playing poker and knowing how to handle your cards well?
I’m totally brand new to FX so I don’t know :eek:
Yes it could or not all depends on your approach. Sitting in front of the screen and just guessing whether to click on the Buy or Sell, that’s gambling. Offering yourself the choice of researching, analyzing then enter or not enter could shy you away from guessing which is closer to gambling. So, i feel it’s your trading style, your approach & risk management strategies that could make the difference.
Master Tang That is to funny
Yes Forex is a gamble Life is a gamble. You win some You lose some.
interesting observation…
i would say yes, but then if that was true it would be going against my religous beliefs and i would have to give forex away…if you can prove to me it is gambling
You got a point there. So I guess if you have more knowledge in what you are doing then it becomes logic than gambling. Am I right?
Speculating != Gambling
anything that involves risk is a gamble.
crossing the street to get ice cream is also a gamble because your RISKING getting hit by a car.
If the risk reward has a large enough spread ull cross.
Here… Save yourselves the trouble.
Let them invent the wheel again instead of taking the two minutes to search old threads!
Damn, now you’ve helped them cheat against Darwin’s principles!
LOL! classic!
It’s a shallow gene pool ain’t it?
I’m convinced electric shock happens upon opening a search window.
Funny thing, it’s never shocked me though:D
They’ll have to reinvent it before they can use it to gamble, so let them.
OMG I’ve been looking for that suit for like ever!
Gamble Definition:
To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest. To play a game of chance for stakes. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior:
But not all gambling is bad…
I do think it is a gamble. But it is a legal gamble.
agree… its how you perform an act if its safe and ok and its ok…
Thank you for brightening up a very cold Monday morning!!
Its a probability based game and it is most certainly gambling. Accept it, and move on.
But isn’t having a trend to ride quite different from gambling? There is no trend in gambling…