Is forex Gambling?

Smart money these days are renters…

You get more for less, with the only risk being the possibility that your landlord may lose the place, and break your lease.

This has to be the funniest & saddest subject/thread on the forum by a country mile.

The difficulty some people are having processing the fact this game is nothing more than a gambling pursuit is unbelievable.
The comforting thought however is that this type of naivety represents an ever growing sector of the competition in the market – there’s always a silver lining!

If you rent your residence all your rent money is dead money. If you buy, your rent money goes to repay the loan, even if the house loses 10% of its value at the end of the loan period you can still get 90% of your money back by selling.
If you rented for the same period, you lose 100% of your money.

Yes… 90% of the VALUE.

But the interest on that money had you paying roughly 3.5 times that VALUE :wink:

So on a 100k house you paid 250k to lose 10k.

hmmm yes i had forgotten to include the interest lol

Are any of you consistently making a profit by trading forex?
Does if matter if you call it gambling or not?

Its egos that refuse to accept its gambling, gambling sounds too much like a dirty word, a frivolous pastime, a losers way of wasting money while day dreaming about the “big win” lol.
Investing sounds so much more respectable and important.

Now all those talking house need to take a deep breath and get back on the rails. When one goes to the casino, you get data on all past gambles since 1988, an indicator to calcutate whether the establishment this year is overwon or overlost, and yeah, the charge per table is spread? Guys, come on!

You can gamble in forex if you want to, but I can show you guys (esp non-intraday traders) who do much study and their methods border close to predicting, yes predicting, the markets.

I think its not the same when Me and You bet on whether price is going up or down with someone to hold the stakes and no trades placed, and each longing or shorting the actual chart/instument. Thge second isnt gambling like in the first?

Yes it matters a great deal. Being honest with yourself is one of the first hurdles in a long line of psychological issues that you may need to deal with.

How can even begin to solve a problem if youre asking the entirely wrong question ?

No, I doubt it matters what you really call it. I think it was mentioned on the other thread that folks dress it up in many different costumes, probably to make themselves feel a little less freaked about what it is they’re actually engaged in.

I think there’s already more than a couple of topics directly related to that comment currently doing the rounds on here isn’t there?

Please lets try keep at least this thread on topic or we’ll have Mr dhoee sprinting off to hastily give birth to yet another thread, leaving this one high & dry too. :slight_smile:

When I talk to people about trading most of them say “it’s just gambling though isn’t it”

I have no problem saying “yes it is”

The ability to stack the odds in your favour, manage your risk and only pick the very best looking setups is something you can’t do at a roulette table though.

You can liken many things to gambling:

Like having a job - are you gambling that your employers will stay in business until you retire and that your job will be safe if there’s another nasty recession?

What is the business model of an insurance company?

Do you buy lottery tickets?

Is investing in shares not a form of gambling?

What about crossing the street?

I’m sure there are plenty more…

Yes trading is a form of gambling - and there’s nothing wrong with that :smiley:

You can study the market form for 5 minutes a day or 5 hours a day but when push comes to shove, neither you or the highly educated Ivy Leaguer sat in his $1k recliner, staring at his impressive bank of monitors know what’s going to happen after either of you hit that buy or sell button.

This post from “the other thread” about sums it up perfectly.

Its worth pointing out that there’s a spectrum of gamblers, and they’re not all mug punters.

I think a lot of the confusion arises from many people who when gambling is mentioned, straight away think “casino” and if the activity in question (forex) does not appear to be simalar to casino gaming they then jump to the conclusion that forex cant be gambling.
The fact is, casino’s specialize in gambling on the most unpredictable forms of gambling, and are probably the worst comparison to use for this reason.

There are many forms of gambling.
In sports gambling, there are people who study horses and their previous form, their trainers, the jockeys, the race course itself, the quality of the dirt, the grass, the weather forcast for the time of the race, the weather conditions for the days leading up to the race, and every other variable with as much intensity as any financial trader studies the markets.

The difference between the horse racing gambler and many financial traders is, the horse racing guy knows he’s gambling and doesnt use semantics to try and convince himself and others, otherwise.

So every risk is a gamble? I think were past ernest discussion and into word banter.

Heres the acid test: show me a form of gambling (casino, cellar or street-corner style) that I can withdraw midway in an already placed bet (dice in the air, cards on the table or table racing around), or even cut losses with only part of bet getting lost.

I’ll now go drink to my mug-punting (thats a new one) for the week ended. Cheers y’all.

That is not the acid test. The acid test is defined by the definition of gambling, not the rules that have been applied to an individual form of gambling.

The acid test is, is there money staked on the outcome of an uncertain event or is there not.

Aside from that, the reason you can do the things you mention is not because you are withdrawing halfway through an already placed bet, it is because a forex trade is an accumulation of many small bets, each bet ends at the arrival of a new tick, the profit or loss is calculated at that point, you can either “let it ride” over onto the next tick or you can stop betting.

If you buy a house in an effort to resell it for a profit, it’s a gamble.

its not gamble its investment and many people doing it,you can call it a business. gambling is what when you go to casino and loose your money in one night on roulette table.

you can compare the above example with any other market like people sell things on ebay. i have a friend who buy laptops from auctions and sell on ebay for profit. do you think this is a gamble. if this is gamble then every business in world is a gamble.

It is - not just for the entrepreneurs who start them but for the employees who choose the “safe secure” route.

If you want safety and security learn how to take complete control of your financial future and do just that.

Learning how to trade profitably and in a business like fashion over the long term is a very good way to do it…

Yes every thing one does is a gamble…some things are just riskier than others :wink: