Is Forex Gambling?

Definition and meanings of words are not changed by what YOU think they mean.

Gambling: to bet an [B]uncertain[/B] outcome.

Both of your opinions on the word are still fall under an, “uncertain,” outcome.

Unless you can predict 100% right every time where price is going, trading still falls under, “uncertain.”

It doesn’t matter if you are right 99.9 percent of the time. If you aren’t 100% correct it’s still uncertain.

P.S. Profitable traders never try to predict where price is going. That is what losers do.

I think this entire issue can be easily summarized as folows…

Q: Is Forex Gambling?

A: yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no… Ad Infinitum…

So have you quit gambling/trading yet?

Or are you just going to write your own dictionary and redefine the words, gambling, trading, risk, stake, so that you can justify your behavior?

Although you were genuinely trying to make points in your discussion, I did not like this reference to me. :wink:

Upon the advice in PM’s I have received from fellow christians, I have decided to no longer post on this thread.
It is completely pointless - no one is going to shift ground, and that includes me.

So far, all I am receiving is continuing [U]personal attacks and abuse. [/U](Crosshairs started the abuse last week, now, not having his fill, he is at it again) :mad:

If people cannot discuss this matter without resorting to abuse, then my fellow christians are correct - I should not waste my time here.

Goodbye personal abusers - I have better things to do!! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

That wasn’t a personal attack. Just what I’m wondering.

I have to wonder because I find it unfathomable that a teacher refuses to accept the meaning of clearly defined words when it suits their purposes, and then proceeds to try and redefined them.

Also, I see that any thread you are in where people don’t agree with you, you get all huffy and claim everyone is attacking you. It seems like you are someone who simply can’t accept when they are wrong.

I’ll remind you that it is you and dhoee that brought up religeon, not anyone else. So, anyone that made comment about that was direct response to you brining up religeon as some sort of excuse as to why trading isn’t gambling.

There’s a famous case in English law Liversidge v. Anderson (1942), which illustrates this perfectly.

Liversidge v Anderson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any way you want to look at it, legally, morally, philosophically, practically… trading forex is gambling.

When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less. Lewis Carrol is attempting to portray the insanity of the topsy turvey world of alice through the looking glass, where every character is clearly barking mad. There’s nothing more insane (or immoral) than redefining the meaning of commonly used language.

:slight_smile: Now you’re getting warm.
Funny how when everything appears to go haywire the common denominator seems to be him.

Speaking solely for myself, barking mad? Yes.

But insane?



Insane? You say that like it’s a bad thing. :eek:

Language and Linguistics: Language Change

“English evolved rapidly in just a few centuries. Many present-day speakers find Shakespeare’s sixteenth century texts difficult and Chaucer’s fourteenth century Canterbury Tales nearly impossible to read…”

My favorite Shakespear quote:
Hamlet: "Think me what instrument you will, though you may fret me yet you can not play upon me. "

I think theres quite a difference between the evolution of a language through time, and a deliberate attempt to try to change the meaning of a word because it suits the adgenda of a minority.

I supose if you can successfully change the meaning of a word, then its not insane, its kind of smart, but I’d still argue that its an immoral thing to do.

What is gambling? Placing a wager on a future outcome that you have no control over. You can infer that trading Forex is gambling. There are obvious differences between trading and gambling.

I’m not attacking or abusing you Tymen, but you continue to ignore my polite arguments, and inquiries on your thinking process.

I just wanted to know how a trade with a defined stop loss is not considered a stake. Because you seem to understand that if the activity involves a stake, then it is gambling.

Care to point them out?

This I would like to see…

Well for me…

It’s usually dinner:P

What exactly happens when we reach a consensus on this ridiculous topic?

Do the planets align? Are we each awarded $1 mil bucks? Does Bono actually solve world hunger?

For me I’d rather have nice burger cooked on my holy gril

Nah… He11 freezes over, which is great for those whose religion forbids gambling…

Just think, in less than 150 years all 7 billion of us will be dead and none of this will matter… oh wait, it doesn’t matter now either… never mind.

Didn’t a skiing accident prevent Bono from solving anything?

please enlighten me :smiley:

p.s. trading forex is gambling !

edit: and 1 more thing, this thread is a good place to hang around for loosers and suckers … wait a minute… that means i for one??? wah da hek!!!

no it’s not, yes it is, no it’s not, yes it is, no it’s not. …

this is also a good place for us non looser to hang around and get a heck of a lot of entertainment watching a bunch of looser banging their heads on a wall.

cheers buddy:D