Is Forex Peace Army a BIG SCAM ? Part 1

nicklang, can you substantiate all those facts, some of which seem to not be widely known?

Anyhow, I can’t accept Bill K’s assertion that the review in the video had inadequate content, which was why it was deleted. To me it seemed a reasonable factual review by an unhappy customer.

It seems a strange co-incidence that the top 10 of the hundreds of services in the forex signals section of the reviews on FPA is dominated now (as it was several years ago when I noticed this) by services associated with Dmitri (some of which have now closed), despite it being so easy to find very unhappy customers elsewhere.

Everyone has the right to make up their own mind but, supplied with deceptive information, many people appear to have come to expensive wrong conclusions. Hence my personal view. Just glad I was not hooked myself several years back.