Is it possible to grow a small account into a big one?

Sorry bro. To be an ICT follower is to be a minion. You know happy little yellow fellas who like bananas bro. You like bananas bro

And no need to yell at me.

And never took you to be a follower. In all your madness i thought there was independent thought processes in the background. Guess I was wrong.

In forex trading, there is no limits on how much you can make with your amount. So it is all depend on how you manage your account.

Iā€™m surprised bro. I know youā€™ve had a tough few years and I didnā€™t always agree with you but I respected you for being your own man.
Of all the routes to go down, Iā€™m surprised you chose ICT when the founder himself cant make it work long term.
Anyhow, good luck to you and I sincerely hope you pull back your losses and get some payback for the 1000ā€™s of hours youā€™ve put into trading.


Can anyone update me about ICT ?

What is ICT?
Supprise, few people discuss million trading record.

Billy, wasnt yellin bro, it was from a movie.

Im not going to get into the whole ICT thing. I dont know why people hate him, I didnt go looking for reasons. He doenst charge for his Information, so Im all in.

What Im learning is simple, Where is the MarketMaker taking price, and where can I get a chunks of profits from knowing where its going.

People say, Man, they are stop hunting, YES, they are, lolā€¦ Thats how liquidity works. Thats how they set up dumb money. Its part of the system for Market Makers or better known small brokers like MT4. Its the name of the game. Pull the wool over your eyes. Thats what its allllll aboutā€¦

They position themselves for better price by tricking you into fake trends and stop hunting. When its not stop hunting in reality, its liquidity seeking.

I dont give 84 craps about his past, I really dont,ā€¦ But what ive learned from his stuff, is tremendously helpful to me, and gave me reason to believe he knows what he is talking about.

From using indicators that Ive used, trying to find angles, over bought over sold, blah blah blah, MA crosses, magic fractals, all of those things, is useless.

I dont advocate people to look into his stuff. Its hard, it can be confusing, but with practice, and knowledge of WHY things happen, what times they happen, its magic itself.

There are little things that totally changed my trading. But im not going to tell you what they are, because I struggled to learn it. Ive had 10 AHAAA moments this past 3 months. Its allll coming together for me.

If you fail using his stuff, then your not doing it right or dont understand it.

I dont understand the Minion thing Billyā€¦ There are a hand full of people that are smashing the charts with his stuffā€¦

His stuff as of late, has been gold to me. It cleared up sooooooo many things Ive wondered about or have been lost in price.

At the end of the day, Its price action, simple as that. But price action with meaning of Why, When, and How. Understanding the manipulation behind MarketMakers, why they do it, and their intentions after they do it.

My history is evident I didnt know sht about trading, But Im not lost anymore. And its perfect timing for me.

*shruggs, I dont know bro. But im not a minion, Im not a follower, Im a student of the market, Im a trader, not an guesser, not a dart thrower, but a student of What, why, and where price does what it does. When its all said and done, we are all after the same dang thing, and thats profits from trading currency.

He doesnt charge $100 a month for some BS pattern crap, and that is what was enticing to me. FREE and Productive, gets no better then that.

His stuff Makes sense, and thats all I have to say about that.

Preparation, Awareness, Patients and Action, = Price action at its best.

Why would you throw rocks at me, for getting better, for trying to learn the right way, instead of throwin darts at a board and flipping coins, because thats not what its about. There is soooooo much more then that, and its getting easier and easier every single day.

ICT is full of himself, * shruggs
ICT is a nutcase, *shruggs
ICT is a fraud, *shruggs
ICT is a leir, *shruggs
ICT is a failed trader, *shruggs

ICT made my trading better, ICT didnt take money outta my pocket, ICT didnt defraud me, ICT didnt force me to follow him, He made me a better trader.

Do your thing Billy, Keep on rollin, Hope everything is working great for you, hope you hit your goals, hope your dreams are obtained, and hope everything falls into place for your future Bro, Heck, I dont even know if you trade, lolā€¦ I havent seen anything on your trading, but, if you do, Great pips to ya.

HEY Eddieb, Whats good bud. Youv always been in my corner, I know that for a fact, and I appriciate that emensly. What Ive learned is the 1000ā€™s of hours was stressful and lost time, and took all the wrong roads, lolā€¦ HINT, Im not rich yet, lolā€¦

Something about ICT not winning long term, is this brother. Over leveraging and not managing losses. Those are the same problems Ive had, and it takes time to either control it and learn from it, or have confidence in yourself to believe it will workout in the end of the day. Right? We lose money, not because the singal we use, but how we control the outcome of it. Wheather it wins or losses, How it Losses is the main focus. How we control that loss and bounce back from it.

The dude doesnt charge, he give out advice on what he thinks works. Its up to us as individuals to take the information and test it or forward test it to see if it works for us. Its take us ALL time to get better at ANYTHING in life, and that Includes ICTā€¦

So, you say his stuff doesnt work long term. But really, isnt it all about managing your losses, that ultimately erase your past performance? When your trading as a day trader, long term means, JUST TODAY. Because not everysingle trade is going to win, at least you dont think it would, or as the Odds gurus say, you cant win every trade. But what your saying is, his " PRICE ACTIONā€™ Ultimately doesnt work down the road? Price action is just that, PRICE ACTION. Its a daily or a instantanius thing, not a long term thing. Just like following a Stoch crossover, it doens work all the time, heck, it doesnt work 50% of the time actually, so over long term, it does fail, but its not triggered thru current price action, its past price action. I dont follow the range stuff or his killzones or his ADR or any of that stuff, Im Price action. So for every action, there is a reaction. If PRICE does this, I do this or look for this or expect this or that. Price action is the BEST way, over long term to trade and be successfull because we WORK OFF PRICE, and not an indicator. If we fail, its because of Money management and damage control. simple as that.

Like I said, he had some strange angles and boxes and times and ranges and theory, and Blah blah blah. Ive seen them, I downloaded all of them, I tryed all of them, and yes, they dont work long term, I agree with that. But Im STRICTLY PRICE ACTION.

My focus is PRICE, where its going, what its going to do when it gets there, ā€¦

I can tell you right now, where EURGBP is going. .8470 10:05am, est Today, Now, lets see what happens.

Thats where I expect it to go, and thats where I get ready to take action.

Bro, you make me laff.

How is it after all this time I know who you are but you know zip about me? Are you really that arrogant? Man, I hope and thought not. What I always admired about you was this aura of self-confidence and independent thought. IMO, to most and probably like mine, ours are the ramblings of madmen. Understood by few. But to go down the path of ICT has left me shattered.

My question to you, have you found success because of his ā€œteachingsā€ or because of what you already know? My guess is (and for the first time I reckon) you have forgotten to give yourself enough credit here my friend. When we look at anything from a fresh perspective it allows us to re-organize our own knowledge base built up in that grey matter on oneā€™s shoulders. Donā€™t serve the ā€œmasterā€ like a minion.

And I am surprised you donā€™t know how I trade. Only a few of us have documented our journeys here on BPā€™s. You havenā€™t been afraid of sharing yours, my disasters are out there for all to see. I made the mistake of changing strategies. Search donchain channels bro and youā€™ll see. But then went back to my roots. I believed you and only one other active member might stand any chance of doing what I do. Search Price action on ticks charts.

So to the OP original question, can you growth a small account? Well yes, but itā€™s going to take a lot of hard work and even more time. Growth in the first few years will probably come more from what you add to your trade account rather than earnings you might make speculating. And donā€™t expect to enjoy any of these earnings. You need to reinvest it all back into your account.

Someone remind me again, why do we do this to ourselves???

And now a song for the lords of the underworld

Hey MoneyNVR itā€™s been a while!

I think Bobb is just saying. ā€œDonā€™t throw the baby out with the bath water.ā€

You have obviously felt the need to make a change so you must have felt thatt what you were doing before wasnā€™t working. Did you analyze what wasnā€™t working and put a process in place to implement change? As you know, change one thing and it has an effect on something else so it can take a while to integrate everything.

You are a unique individual Money, i would be surprised if you could buy a solution to suit you ā€œoff the rackā€ as it were.

I looked at ICTā€™s stuff a few years ago. I donā€™t think it will hurt you and you may end up using a few bits here and there.
It became apparent though that he wasnā€™t as clued up on the institutional side as he claimed to be. Because something sounds feasible, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s correct.

I think the reason he failed the challenges he set himself was obviousā€¦ VERY BIG EGO.

Anyway thatā€™s enough about ICT, how are you bro?

Yes this is simple opinion and still rational, it will depending with each trader skill, and skill of course never come instantly, it will need long time process and also need hardwork with patience, start from small capital only have small opportunity and trader must they can making profit in every trades

Hey Billy, I was messin with you man,

ICTs teaching just mainly helped me understand a different Support and resistance stance on the market. Also tough me Top down analysis, got me to look at the market in a broader prospective. As I said in the post, ICTs other stuff didnt sit with me well, and Im after near perfection, and it wasnt doing that. I also said his early stuff was difficult to understand, and scattered. I also said, Im purly Price action, so everything he had before, is pretty much thrown out the window for what Im looking for. BUT, the main price action of the S/R and orderblocks and breakers, gave me a better understanding, to where the price could go, and where price could bounce in the other direction.

He has some newer videos out, and The newest from 2 weeks ago till now, pretty much catapulted my trading. More/less directionary and difference of a trend and and range market, which, was my biggest problem since day 1. I could make 150 trades, win them all, but because I never really knew if the market was trending or ranging, really threw a stick in my trading, well, besides moving my stops,lol.

I still use some of my things for entry, I just use ICTs stuff for more S/R and Directional bais of the Price, that is allā€¦

Now it hit my area of interest, Im short to .8362 20 pip stoploss, 108 pip TP 5:1, Now we wait,

+30% gain, moved SL to +5% .8462 ( So Im either hit 5% gain, or my TP ) Risk free at this point

When Price hits .8412, Moving stop to .8452 for 11% lock gain

Now we ride it out to tp

USDJPY from earlier today

lol, You people see how BabyPips works?

They beat you up when they think they know it all, and on this thread like white on Rice, Till i go a PROVE, 24 hours in advance where price was going, PROVED IT by the trade, and NOT 1 could say, " Nice Job Money" ā€œYouve Grown into a fine Trader, Nice to see you finally learned how to tradeā€, NOT A SINGLE PERSON,

After saying My trading has changed dramatically due to the most hated poster ever in the history of Babypips, and called out FOR GETTING BETTER??? Coommon man, Ive been saying this for years, many posters here love to see other traders failā€¦ I just proved my trading, to almost pin point accuracy on the Entry, and knew how far it could go, ( 0.8412 ) Moved my stop, because at that point, I knew to look for retrace, BUT it could of went to my Target of .8363 ā€¦ WHich is why I LOCKED IN 11%, ( 10% goal a day) RISK FREE. I could of closed it for 41% gain, but hey, I wanted to see it go to my TP, Which would of been 110%ā€¦ That would of been Epic, but most would say stupid, lolā€¦

Naaaaa, You cant predict price before big turns, lol, nope, guess notā€¦

Hey, Look, I even had 44% gain ON A PAIR IVE NEVER TRADED, Those 5 trades, were the first time I EVER traded USDJPY.


Shame on Me for getting better tho, right? The last thing most wanted here to see was someone get better, its why MOST everyone are smartA$$s or post in threads like they are robots. Know it alls, answering the single 1 question, with 10 variations to the answer, lolā€¦

Im sure someone has a big rippin post like, " Your an Idiot, youve been here for 6 years failing and blowin up account after account, and comin here talking your on the right path and still failing" all ready to hit the send button,ā€¦lolā€¦ Sorry I ruined your thread with something positiveā€¦

If that trade would of failed, This thread would be a page longer on the rippin me apart because Im an ICT minion. And you guys know Im right.

Ok, well, I have to go back to practicing my craft of getting better at my career, So hope everyone made their .002% this week, and keep on rollin.

*Mic Drop

Sorry bro. Well done old man on your new found financial freedom.

That $62 dollar count is going to take you far. Keep over leveraging yourself bro. (Your maths has never added up.)

Money this isnā€™t about you so build a bridge as they say. Donā€™t hijack the thread to talk of self. Make it relevant to the thread.

See bro, weā€™re probably not that different. Like most, I lost when I started, then I made it back. But then changed focus and became coc|ky. The result is documented if you use the search button. So now just do my thing and everything possible to improve it. But then hackers drained my bank accounts back in May, including my trading funds. So now Iā€™m coming to terms that it looks like those funds are gone forever, so Iā€™m starting from scratch again with a 3 figure account. So it better be damn possible to grow it or basically weā€™re wasting our time.

Represent bro :57:


What/ Who is ICT? I dont understand this discussion and in my language ICT it has an other meaning. I get a lot of links on google that are useless

BTW nice trade Money but 1 winning trade does not make you a profitable trader