Is it possible to trade STRESS-FREE?

I don’t think “stress free” is possible but low stress and in a controlled manner are something to aim for.


I second this. I think you just have to learn how to get used to it and learn how to manage those emotions.


IT IS POSSIBLE IF U KNOW WHAT U ARE DOING :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


After time it will become stress free


I think that it is impossible to get rid of all emotions when trading, emotions can be limited to some extent.


Regular meditation and planning can make me stress-free. So I meditate and trade after planning after analysis.


As long as we train our minds to accept both success and failure with the same balance then stress free trading is completely possible.


Stress is an integral part of life, and with trading I think that it comes as a normality. Since there are risks, there are going to be doubts and strictly speaking regardless of your experience in trading there is always going to be this element of risk, and consequently stress.

Experienced traders are more likely to manage to control stress. As a beginner in trading you are bound to be a bit more anxious as you are just getting started. However ultimately you can try to reduce stress by being a bit careful, start small, and try to make well informed decisions.


sure, especially when you have another source of income


I don’t know about stress free, even if you never lose and are trading with a pile of money stacked by the wood stove ready to burn, there will always be a certain amount of stress. Trading is a challenge, and we are all wired to want to win.

But you can reduce your stress by trading with money you’re okay losing, and by trading smart; small positions, wide SL and a love for trading. It also helps to have other hobbies to occupy yourself with.

…and a 100% success rate doesn’t hurt either.


I don’t think so. I think the only time you’ll be trading stress-free is when you truly don’t care about the money you’re trading with but then at that point, why trade even? I can’t imagine anyone taking massive drawdowns or winning tons of $ and not feeling anything lol.


Thanks for this Steve! Tbh, I initially thought that to be a trader, you should be completely emotionless and detached. :sweat_smile: But I guess it’s really just about being able to manage your stress and feelings properly and wisely. :blush:

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Agree! :blush: I mean, I sometimes pretend to myself that I’m cool with my losses, but at the end of the day, I still can’t help but think about them a bit. :sweat_smile:

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Thank youuu! :blush: I’ve been working on this ever since I started and I think I’ve gotten the hang of it now. :smiley:

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Oh well. :sweat_smile: HAHAHA. I guess I’m the problem. :sweat_smile:

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haha, agree with you! i try to be cool and not to think about it if i make a loss or have a hard day at trading but at the end of the day, i do get that feeling of ‘what if’.

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I don’t really think that it is possible to get rid of stress while trading. Technically, yoy can build some trading bot which will trade forex without your control. However, you will still feel stressed when while checking the deposit and hoping that the bot hasn’t blown all the money. If we talk about traditional trading, there is still much room for stress and fear, but you need to learn how to control emortions, anyway.


Agreed buddy!

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Totally agree with you. It’s almost impossible to be stress-free while trading or emotion-free, however traders must have to learn how to minimize the influence of emotions on trading activity. It’s really difficult to apply such practices but trading always means learning. I also want to note that this practicing must be applied only on a live account, no demo at all, because demo will never give such emotions as the real account can. So, I want to conclude that no matter how your trading is going bad or good every time trader should learn a lot about trading psychology and find ways to minimizes the affect of stress.

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I do not see trading as stressful - I see it as enjoyable and challenging.

Is playing a sport or game stressful? Well I suppose it is, but a certain level of stress can actually be good for us.

I certainly don’t wake up in the morning thinking ‘my god I’m stressed out with trading’, - however I get the point you are trying to make so will add my two pennies worth.

There are things that beginners do that add to the stress.

Doing dumb ass things like trading five minute charts now THAT is stressful.

And it’s even more stressful when you expect to be profitable with it.

Expecting to make money every day there is another

And looking at four different timeframes that’s another.

Having to ‘wait for confirmation’ - that’s a leading cause of stressful for me.

Or any system that has too many steps in the process.

Taking too large a position is stressful

As is trading too many markets.

And while this may be peculiar to myself trading BOTH long and short is stressful.

New traders want to be in the thick of the action, glued to a screen with all sort of bells, whistles and notifications going off at the same time.

It’s like taking a drive on the M25 at rush hour around the Heathrow turn off - I mean why would you?

Trading can be as close to stress free by eliminating the stressors - quite simple really.

Then there is the other side of the equation - bringing youre life into balance

Maybe your stress is a microcosm of the rest of your life?

If your financial situation is not good to begin with that will only compound the stress in trading.

Maybe you need to work out? Or eat less red meat? Or stop smoking, or drinking.

There is little to enhance the stress of trading than doing it with a hang over.

Are you living with a partner who thinks ‘trading is gambling’ - leading cause of stress

I had a wife like that, in the end I ditched her and chose the trading - something some of us might wanna think about.

Do you have a spiritual belief system? It does not matter what - but if you wake up every morning praising the Lord, Allah, Zoroastra, Lao Tzu, it can be helpful

Gratefulness leads to happiness which leads to money in your pocket - spiritual masters have been telling us this since the dawn of time!!

How silent is your internal dialogue? If u are stressed I bet ya its a cacophony?

Sure meditation can help, but so can going for a walk, visiting nature, or having a warm bath.

No, trading doesnt need to be stressful, we have a choice - but that involves taking a hard look at ourselves and maybe changing a few of the things that are not working.