Is it possible to trade STRESS-FREE?

I think it largely depends on one’s personality. Me, I stress over everything, not just trading. Other people just don’t care, which is good for them.


Absolutely. If they dont risk what they cant afford to lose then they`ll also wouldn’t chase the loses which is also very important.

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That’s true. I’ve heard of people taking loans to trade. I can’t imagine that.

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it is possible to trade according to any principles and approaches, in such moments everything depends only on yourself and which option will be most convenient for you

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No one can completely avoid stress i guess.


I would not treat stress in general. There may be multiple root causes for stress in trading.

  • Stress of making fortune in forex. Set healthy expectations - if you cannot consistently pay for parking, milk or for your netflix account with forex gains, how on earth do you expect to reach significant amounts?

  • Stress of paying bills (I’ve seen stories where people lost their job and thought they will start trading for a living) - just don’t do it :slight_smile:

  • Stress of losing money. Somehow relates to first point. If you are stressed with losing a trade (money) then probably you are playing with too high bets. When I test new tactics I like to have set loss limit per week or month. This helps me anticipate how much I can lose per month / year and become ok with it. I say “Ok, I will risk 50 PLN per month, if I lose 50 PLN I am waiting for another month”. This way I know that I cannot lose more than 600PLN per year if I would go broker every month with new tactic :slight_smile: Without this approach I found myself going deeper to the hole with losing streak and could not feel the bottom. Of course this approach is good only for stage, when you learn and are not yet on consistent profitability road.

  • Stress of fact of losing. This is a hard one, especially for people with strong ego and competitive nature. I am still struggling with this to some extent. Losing can make people feel bad, even if rationally this is part of the game. Playing competitive sports or strategic board games (go, chess, checkers, bridge etc.) may be a good idea to get yourself used to losing. This is the only type of stress I could not get rid of in 100% :slight_smile:


It is very hard to be stress-free while watching these number going either up or down. The best thing is to trade with a proper strategy that you are comfortable in trading, so that you can be less stressed out.


Hmmm;. :thinking: I guess so. :open_mouth: But it sure helps to try and find ways to minimize the stress. :sweat_smile: We all know just how stressful forex can be, and how anxious it makes people. :sweat_smile:

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Oooooh. :blush: Thanks for dissecting it. I guess I never really looked at it that way. :sweat_smile: I mostly just view stress as one whole problem that should be solved with one whole solution or something like that. :sweat_smile: Much appreciated! :smiley:


Definitely. :blush: I started being less stressed when I found a strategy that somehow worked for me. :open_mouth: Cause at least, in my mind, as long as I follow the rules of my strategy, I’d be okay. :blush: Haha.


Yup, only if you don’t lose any of your trade, which is impossible :ok_hand:

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As long as you are keeping your strategy solid, you will be fine. Keep up! :slight_smile:

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Meditation is one thing i can recommend. :grinning:

When you reach a point,you will find trading is actually boring,meaningless,you only wish the market could run 10x faster.

Do you feel this way atm? How long have you been trading?

I think it can be done when you don’t feel bad or sad if you lose all the money.
For instance, if you are a billionaire and you lost $100 somewhere, I bet you won’t feel lost.
That’s when you would be able to trade STRESS-FREE


Stress is a shadow of the trader, it will only go when you stop trading but to trade on forex have to go with that. For managing it try to do some recreational activities like playing any game and take proper sleep.

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Yeah right buddy!
I am in the habit of meditating before going to bed and this really helps me stay calm.

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Interesting. :thinking: Would you say you have reached this point? :blush:

Is this a question for me? :sweat_smile: Haha. :smiley: Cause if it is, I would still have to say no. It’s not how I feel. HAHA. :smiley: Although I’m a lot more confident and less anxious than when I first started, I definitely have a long way to go. :sweat_smile: Haha. Was this question for me though?